Arthur Edens and His Bread

My son is also named Port.

The Talented Mr. Repeat

Ahhh thanks for that - I'd never heard his story.

Oh gosh, that's a terribly depressing thought, but perhaps there's some truth to it.

I'm reminded of how he used to call Steven Spielberg when the latter was in Poland filming Schindler's List, just to cheer him up at the end of the day, when Spielberg sorely needed it.

This is the most tragic of news, but I really look forward to reading all of your thoughts on his life and career, as well as those of the writers on this and other pop culture sites, since Robin Williams's legacy is so rich with material.

I was traveling last week and couldn't enjoy this piece when it was published, so I just want to pop in and say this is yet another great entry in a wonderful series. Thanks Mike!

Not too much happened on the pop culture front for Old Arthur this week, as I was busy moving into my smashing new apartment in Chicaaaaaago, but I saw a little space adventure film called Guardians of the Galaxy on Friday, and guys, lemme tell ya, my appreciation for the Marvel universe is limited at best, but boy

So many great moments in it! Josh giving Tony Shalhoub his gummi bears, Kingsley presenting him with the certificate at the end, "Why are you standing so far away from me?", and so on. Wonderful stuff.

I was thinking just the other day about one of my favorite films: the hugely-underrated and seldom-discussed Searching for Bobby Fischer. There's a lot to love about it - great cast, beautiful cinematography from Conrad L. Hall, a stirring James Horner score - but what I admire most is that it's not afraid to explore

TWICE I've seen L.A. Confidential references in Sally Forth! What's not to love?

Off-topic: I've never seen Rudolph's adaptation of Breakfast of Champions, but damned if Albert Finney isn't exactly as I imagined Kilgore Trout when I first read it.

Like cigarettes, Andy Capp Hot Fries are utterly disgusting, and yet completely addictive.

I think it's a law that all gyms need to have an old guy like that. I was once on an elliptical machine next to an older gent. As a consequence of my acknowledging his observation about the weather, I was treated to a lengthy and very one-sided description of his naval career.

Now we know: creeper is actually Alan Greenspan!

What kind of black magic is this?!

My teacher got a big smile from me and a little discussion about America's folly in Vietnam!

I love that Bart adds the RAND Corporation to his conspiracy theory in that episode. I mean, how many other animated shows would throw in something like that? What I'm saying is, The Simpsons is quality television.

One of my teachers did! (It was Halloween dress-up day at my high school.)

A Cold War-themed Halloween party would be a great chance for me to bust out my Robert McNamara costume again! (I'm afraid that's not even a joke, I did once dress as the former Secretary of Defense for Halloween.)