Arthur Edens and His Bread

Do you recall when the snipers missed you, and Katarn would do that slow-motion dodging movement? That confused the hell out of me the first few times it happened!

Thaaaat's right. I never would have figured that out.

I always liked Fud Sang. He was absurd-looking.

I haven't seen any mention of the NPR Star Wars Radio Dramatizations (directed, incidentally, by John Madden, who who go on to make Shakespeare in Love and other films), but they're great fun, and include material not found in the original films.

I remember you sharing details about it in a comment thread many months ago! It was very interesting.

I believe that header image comes from the Special Edition VHS of A New Hope, right?

I always thought that The Hutt Gambit is one of the best book titles I've ever heard.

Racer was such fun, and quite possibly the only game I ever completed without cheating.

Don't forget those grumbling Grans that would run over and start punching you!

Remember that sniper-blaster weapon from Jedi Outcast, the one that disintegrated people? That was awesome, but in hindsight, it's a rather horrifying device!

Also, Jedi Outcast was so great. Nothing beats force-choking an Imperial officer and then chucking him off a cliff.

You had to go into the ducts to infiltrate the prison, right? Or at least to get to Madine's area? I never figured it out and had to rely on a walk-through.

What perplexes me is that he invented the term "lightsaber," but doesn't use it!

"Ready, Kafka?!"

HEH, that's one of my favorite lines.

Ahaha, I figured, I just liked the idea of Winters getting brutally murdered in a Disney film.

Pete's Dragon? Nah, it's been years since I saw that.

By Grabthar's Hammer, I will avenge him!

Frasier's receding hairline helped me figure it out.

You're doing the Lord's work, iris.