Arthur Edens and His Bread

KARL . . . ROVE! Ham-Head Karl, Karl the Snarl, c'mon buddy, College Republican National Committee! KARL ROVE! I worked with Lee Atwater and Jack Abramoff to promote the right-wing during the Reagan years? Bing! KARL ROVE! Told the voters of South Carolina that John McCain had an illegitimate black daughter. Bing,

"Who are you, Thomas Corwin Mendenhall?"

I'm not sure if that was J.K. Simmons voicing the Yellow M&M. If they replaced him, that'd be completely unacceptable.

HEH, yeah, that might have been my favorite ad of the night. Oliver Wendell Holmes would have surely approved.

"You look like a Deadwood character at a Justin Bieber concert."

Ugh, yeah, I expected a bloody old man with a glass of scotch to show up during that animal-head ad and say, "Great party, isn't it?"

NPR had an old ad man on this morning, and he described the Bud Light clusterfuck ad as "Concept with a Capital 'K.'" I thought that was a funny expression.

Yeah, agreed. That may have been my favorite ad of the night, since it wasn't a visual and aural nightmare, and it was legitimately interesting and even a touch inspiring.

Exactly! I've missed Synecdoche, New York and a few others, and I'm rather glad, because they're waiting for me, and each will be a special experience.

It feels a little funny, but at this moment I find myself so, so excited for A Most Wanted Man, because it's one more. One more performance. I want to see so many more, but I'm so grateful that we get even just one. A German intelligence officer! I'm so excited to see him do that, you know?

I normally don't like to repost stuff I wrote on Facebook - I should try to be clever enough not to duplicate myself! - but this comes from the heart so I thought I might share it.

For anyone who's curious, though Fair Harvard won the first Game in 1875, the dastardly Bulldogs lead overall, 65-57-8 (they had a great streak from 1876 to 1894). That said, the Crimson have triumphed for the last seven, so perhaps things will even out!

One of the anecdotes that Jones tells in this documentary is that he and Gore got a novel addition to their dorm room in 1968 - a touch-tone telephone. Gore became obsessed with playing "Dixie" on the phone using the different tones and would do it all the time.

Harvard Stadium features banners for the various big games that the Crimson have won over the years, including their one and only Rose Bowl triumph: 1920.

I think the reason for this is that it's ultimately less about the game itself than the colorful personalities involved.

Another Spike Jonze contribution!

"Hey Homer, didn't you say if Duff Dry wins, your daughter loves you?"
"Not Duff Dry, Washington!"
"Ok, ok, they're both great teams."