Arthur Edens and His Bread

Of course not! You're Scrawler, who crawled through a river of comments and came out clean on the other side!

Dammit Scrawler, you're puttin' us behind! We got a schedule to keep! You better have been sick or dead today, I shit you not!

"They didn't start chasing us until you started playing that son-of-a-bitching getaway music, Frost!"

Marvelous! Have a happy day off, Lieutenant!

I saw that very malignant tumor at the Mütter Museum in Philly! It had a very devious look.

I'd like to also extend a hardy HAPPY LABOUR DAY to our friends across the pond who, unfortunately, do not get the day off.

Fun Fact: Grover Cleveland was an old-fashioned hangin' sheriff in Erie County, New York in his earlier days! He also managed to become a practicing lawyer without going to college or law school.

Yeah, considering how great Bobby Cannavale is, I think Gyp could (and should) have been a better character. That said, as my rhapsodizing below indicates, there were enough good things in the season to keep me thoroughly entertained.

The first two seasons of Boardwalk Empire were pretty good, but Season Three was absolutely dynamite. And you're right - Root (along with a lot of the supporting players) brought so much to the show. If he doesn't make another appearance, I will be very disappointed!

My favorite Wilder/Lemmon pairing is The China Syndrome, the wacky story of an unlucky American diplomat (Lemmon) who finds love, intrigue, and plenty of laughs during a trip to Peking. Co-starring William Holden as Admiral Cutting and Walter Matthau as the Ambassador!

"Pretty watchable"? Ken Burns's Baseball is compulsively watchable!

Speaking of Jane Byrne, my trip to Chicago inspired me, at some point (the Caro is too fresh, I need to wait for tackling more non-fiction), to read a good biography of Richard Daley (excuse me, Richard J. Daley). Any suggestions, Other Guy? American Pharaoh sounds promising, but I figure you might have some insight!

I didn't even know he was in Brazil until I saw his name in the end credits! I was quite embarrassed that I didn't recognize him.

Old Man's still an artist with a Thompson.

It's to the the Coens' infinite credit that this could be Drop Johnson from Crossing OR Charlie Meadows from Fink!

That's awful, but I just want to say that Best Supporting Actor is most often my favorite Oscar category, so I'm pleased that you scored a nomination!

You are so goddamn smart. Except you ain't.

It looks like the rating was lowered to PG on appeal.

All the President's Men has a wife and a family and a dog and a cat and several fucks.