Arthur Edens and His Bread

I should concede that I'm not really sold on that part of my argument either. The important thing is that Gary stands by his mates rather than abandoning them, which, regardless of why he does it, is a step in the right direction.

Is your 10 year old brother Kurt Gödel?

Another thing I hate that World's End delightfully subverted: when the horribly insufferable protag gets the girl. Not in this film!

It seems like every time Raising Arizona is mentioned on this site, a quote thread inevitably results.

I love Band of Brothers and have watched it many times over the years, but not for some time. It's due for a rewatch, especially since I bet I'll recognize many more faces this time around - Simon Pegg for one, as apparently he was in two episodes!

I saw The World's End today. I loved it, and I'd like to share some thoughts I have about the film's resolution, so please excuse the

Yeah, taking something as ordinary as draining a pint or buckling a seatbelt and Tony Scott-ing it is not only really funny, but also rather thematically appropriate.

Ah, that there's some wonderful analysis! Thanks NC.

Hula hoops, stilts, knock-off Skip-Its, juggling - as if just running a mile wasn't hard enough for Young Arthur, my P.E. teachers insisted on making me embarrass myself with this sort of athletic sorcery!

Good man! You'll teach your progeny well.

I fed a wallaby once - such a delightful creature. Emus, not so much. They'd peck the food out of your hand and then stalk off without so much as a smile.

Congratulations, old chap!

My god, this story is the most incendiary business to happen in Chicago since the Great Fire! I hope everything goes ok, and that perhaps the Douchebag's utter grossness will cause him to collapse in upon himself like a neutron star.

Garlic fries? Yes ma'am!

Ah, what the hell:

Hey, Little Emma! I missed the T.I. yesterday because I'm on my SF trip, but I had to let you know that I'm off to AT&T Park tonight to watch your Giants battle the Pirates of Pittsburgh. Play ball!

Ah dear, I'm a day late here, but I gotta pop in and give my best wishes too. You're a dynamite individual, that much is clear, so I'm sure everything will work out!

Rats! I couldn't remember which was which. Eliminate my last comment and replace it with "Skip! Skip! No! I'm sorry!"

*claps eye-hand*

I didn't, but now I wish I had!