Arthur Edens and His Bread

I didn't know Lapine directed! Exciting indeed.

Ooooo, the Sondheim documentary sounds fantastic. Sondheim's two-volume collection of lyrics/recollections is fantastic, so I'd gladly watch him reminisce for a whole. And the six song angle sounds quite compelling.

"It stinks!"

I agree - with some of the other flashbacks as well, the actual crimes themselves are left unseen, because they don't need to be. I think it makes the flashbacks more effective, and highlights how fragmented both memories and their pre-prison lives are.

Yeah, I'm with you on this. It might have been a tad more effective as a symbol of her institutionalization if it had come later in the season. (Maybe even at the end of the season finale - the chicken could have reappeared then. Might have been a good ending!)


This isn't particularly relevant to the news at hand, but I'd just like to say how impressed I still am with how well Forte played Bush during the 2004 election. Will Ferrell cast a very long shadow in the role, but Forte not only took the character in a very different direction, he nailed it too. At least I thought

"Lionel Hutz, Attorney-at-Law. I'm filing a class-action suit against the director on behalf of everyone who was cut from the play. I also play Mitch!"

Ah, I heard good things about that one! Having already read The Right Stuff (and spent most of my childhood learning about NASA), I think that book might provide an interesting perspective.

Is it true that Samuel Beckett used to give rides to a young Andre the Giant? It sounds apocryphal, but I'll defer to the expert!

In case anyone happens upon this, once I'm finished with my Caro, I think perhaps I might enjoy reading some Elmore Leonard. Any recommendations for a Leonard newbie? I'm thinking that Tishomingo Blues sounds fun.

Haha, I know how you feel - I'm stiiiiilllllllll reading Robert Caro's LBJ books. But I'm on Volume IV now, the last one I have! Almost there! But actually that makes me sad. I'm gonna miss old Lyndon.

I've long dreamed of reading Shelby Foote's Civil War trilogy, but perhaps McPherson's work would be a more practical - and equally edifying - choice!

You submitted your review for her approval!

Is it safe?

Happiest of birthdays, Pugs!


I'm sorry, I meant no as in yes.

Honest to god, @pico79:disqus, I agonized over the proper form for a long time while choosing my username here. That's why I chose a form that avoided the decision!

Yeah, I figured that might be the case. I kind of prefer the s' from an aesthetic standpoint, but whenever it comes up, I can't resist using the s's, cumbersome as it may be.