Arthur Edens and His Bread

I think it's just the sheer volume of jokes, many of which are delivered overlapping or in hushed tones. I'd say that the density of humor in The Thick of It isĀ greater than, say, Veep, so it definitely benefits from multiple viewings.

Indeed! Jamie possesses a self-awareness that is quite welcome. He knows what he is, and what he is not, and it's a joy to listen to him articulate that.

The conversation between Jamie and the Squire in the pen reminded me of some of the great, long sequences from Season 1. Terrific stuff.

As soon as I saw that Sansa was in peril, I knew that The Hound would save the day, and boy howdy he did not disappoint. Most epic fashion!

And Leon's getting laaaarrrrrger!

"Is he a ham?" Oh Renly, you cheeky devil. Hopefully he and Tyrion will have an Insult Sword Fight.

Can we agree that The Economist's buttoned up squaresville art critic be played by Alan Rickman?

I really like the synth score in this scene too.