Arthur Allen

Hitler was an artist too you know.

How does nobody realise the $2BN is going into studio production of cool Space Force actions? Why would you create a real Space Force when you can fool the world into believing they’re already knocking out missions?


Okay, listen.  She may be lying.  That’s possible.  It’s also possible that a man who is just sitting there chatting doesn’t want someone to start grinding themselves on his lap.  Non consensual lapdances are not impossible.

What kind of a lady gives a lapdance to someone at a party, let alone a married man?  Good for her for taking responsibility for her own actions and admitting that it was her fault.  It takes a lot more strength and bravery to do that than to blame someone else.

The best thing about Meghan McCain is that she’s not a war criminal like her father.

Jared’s wife’s name is Ivan... ka. Probably just a coincidence. The real issue with Jared is that he is working on behalf of a foreign power from within the White House and has Top Secret security clearance. That foreign power has a name, and its name is Israel.

Should have been Waco v2.0. Ended up a victory for the right wing.

That it’s unconstitutional, will be challenged as such if it ever passes, and is therefore a gigantic waste of time.

This seems unconstitutional on its face and will almost certainly be challenged as such and reversed, if this ever happens which it likely will not.  The time for wasting time is over.  We’ve got bigger fish to fry.

“Prioritizing winning is how losing happens.”

Man he really put that ball in the basket.

America wants common sense border security measures. This is not common sense. This is insanity and this can no longer be tolerated. It is 2019 and there are concentration camps for kids on our Southern Border. How did we get here? Well, Bernie split the party and refused to endorse Hillary until she had to threaten

Another young Bernie disciple unafraid to reveal his immaturity. Grow up. Bernie is not a hero, AOC is doing more harm than good, and your idolization of politicians is a selfish attempt at ending boredom.  Winning is priority the first, and Biden has the best shot as of now.

Donald Blumpf is most certainly not a billionaire. He may be a millionaire, but he is not a billionaire. And that is why he goes after actual billionaires, because he is jealous of them. This is the same reason he sought the presidency. The position is something that money cannot buy. I believe Hillary has proven at

I have no love for this woman for what she’s doing to the party, and even I wouldn’t objectify her like this.  Not a good look.  All of us men must get better.  I hope we can.

If Hannity’s head gets any bigger he will become airborne and float out of this atmosphere into space where he will be studied for thousands of years by aliens who through his example will get the wrong idea about humans and develop a strong prejudice against us and eventually annihilate us.

AOC is ripping this party in half worse than Bernie did. Can you people really not see what’s going on here? We’re handing everything to Trump. Donald Blumpf Drumpf Trumpf. We are making things easier for him by creating hard lines within our party. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if AOC is a CIA asset planted by

He doesn’t look like the cheating type.