Artful Dodger


Should be an interesting combination.

@Shhteve: Where did you hear that?

Winnie The Pooh reference. I like it.

Uh huh. Sure, George. Like turning The Force Unleashed into a movie wasn't the plan from day one.

Am I the only one who thinks The Adventures of Own: Owen's Olympic Adventure is a hilarious title?

I think the results of this experiment are a good reflection of where the each gaming console company's software library is targeting their demographics. I wouldn't take it as an indication of the quality of the consoles or their respective software, and it's certainly not an indication of market share.

she hasn't accomplished much as an actress....her roles have mostly been as completely ancillary charactrs...she is just famous for being famous really

Sadly I can relate to the young girl's predicament: i am the voice behind every Jonas Brothers recording but because I am old and tired they have me singing behind the curtain at each of their concerts. And i get paid minimum wage for my efforts.

I went to a wedding at Brooklyn Botanical Garden last weekend and one of the waiters not only started hitting on me but he followed me into the ladie's room. I stuck pretty close to my friends after that.

I am still COMPLETELY startled that the newspapers and blogs are still treating John Edwards as if he was a senior stateman of the Democratic people: he served just ONE term as a U.S. senator....ran for president on his looks and then joined John Kerry in what was probably the most lethargic presidential campaign in

I can't understand why People Magazine...and the rest of the media...keep calling Clooney the sexiest guy in america when he is so clearly a toxic bachelor with a peter pan complex!

I GOT IT! Edwards is making this admission now in order to clear the air before the convention so that he'll be in the best possible position to win the vice presidential nod. By giving the media a few weeks before the convention to flesh out the affair and get over it Edwards can be our vice presidential nominee.

HAH HAH Edwards is showing us how teeny weeny his penis is in this photo of him.

@ronaldpagan: You forgot the part where he said it was morally okay not only because he didn't love her but because his wife's cancer was in remission. And of course not his baby. Interviewers are such pussies today they probably didn't even ask why he was in hotel room at 2 a.m.

i was glad john cafferty on cnn highlighted that edwards said "but I didn't love her" and "my wife's cancer was in remission" that was just totally reprehensible

@goldenmonkey: the uk articles included pictures of her when she was younger and she was very attractive in a unique way in her earlier days

@exelizabeth: That is DEFINITELY true of stalking also! When a guy gets stalked everyone thinks it is funny but it has happened to me three times over an extended period with three different women and I was seriously mentally distressed each time.