
Woah woah woah, did you just call Jon Bernthal unattractive? Well I never.

I guess there must be no vets around anymore.

*Checks if it’s 2008

Stepping back I don’t think Dark Matter stood a chance, at least not with the direction it took.

“I guess Dark Matter had too many strong female characters for the execs to handle.”

“Cock, it doesn’t work with Kinja.”

Starred for irony and....

I have like six comments on this article, and the lamest one has the most stars because it’s the one I posted first. That’s a design flaw.

I was hoping to see a Bajoran “wormhole” or three.

It may not be the joke we need, but it’s the joke Kinja deserves. Or the other way round, I always get that quote wrong.

Didn’t he pork Tasha Yar?

TNG once promised that Data was “fully functional.” I was hoping we’d finally know what he meant.

I knew someone once who spoke in a language. True story.

Last episode I compared this show to a badly run D&D campaign, and this episode really drove it home. You’ve got four player characters, none with any real ties to one another, each with wildly different character motivations for moving through the story (and alignments, as the case may be - JJ is basically the one

what, now all replies will have to be moderated??? you’re fucking kidding me

The AV Club is unrecognisable to me now. This new Kinja system is terrible.