
Hotep? Urban dictionary has it defined like basically as an uneducated misogynist who uses black oppression to further his goals and doesn't care about women, or LGBT. I'm not from USA, is this the right definition? It's just it's the first time I've heard this word.

I liked Bobby Fish through all the series, but he cemented my love with his What kind of a Jean-Paul Gaultier shit is this? What are you, a pimp stormtrooper?. It was so fitting for DB, that I almost applauded in real life.

I think the problem with Luke Cage's character is two-fold. Or rather main problem of the show is complex.
a) Mike Colter is below average actor (for a lead role, he's fine in a supporting one).

Shades was definitely the highlight of the series for me. As I said before, his character is ridiculous, and it would've been very easy for him to become an unfunny comic book cutout Diamondback was. Writing for him was almost as hackneyed as for DB. But Theo Rossi somehow made his character work. His little

Yep. Totally agree with you. Also while attractive, he came of as, I don't know. Too playa-ish, and simultaneously not very good at it. All that coffee metaphors, gah, I'm not a shipper, but pairing of Luke and Claire makes them both look like hypocrites (although for different reasons) and lessens the individual

Well, again without spoiling - at least these three episodes got badass women (oh, and Shades, he's a highlight of the series for me, along with Mariah). Alfre Woodard is consistently awesome. I was somewhat disappointed in Claire though. But other than that - oh boy. Talk about tonal mismatch and very corny dialogues.

If you think this was the worst episode, oh man, are you're up for a ride. I won't spoil anything, but for me the decline of quality was of Biblical proportions.It's like the writers were hammered while whiting the last couple of episodes or something,

Well, Theo Rossi said that he came from various ethnic backgrounds:

I think Theo Rossi is a great actor. He was given very weak material, and in the hands of a less skilled actor it could've turned out to be disaster. I mean, the thug without clear motivation, who's a little ridiculous and wears shades at night? But he really humanized his character, completely sold to me both her

Edge of Tomorrow? Yeah, but it was based on light novel, not manga.…
But sure, you're right. Movie was pretty good too, so maybe there's hope for Alita, who knows.

Yeah, given the decent budget space western could work in tv format. Bring back Firefly!.
Berserker=Berserk? If so, then yeah, it could work, but hypothetical writers should adhere to earliest post-Eclipse storylines, none of this loli mahou shoujo bullshit. Miura, sadly, have chosen an easy path of milking the story

I only watched OVA, so I can't say anything about TV version. But on OVA I totally agree with you.

Was there any anime-to-western-movie adaptation which didn't suck? Than again, was there ever any non-Japanese movie adaptation? We were hearing about Akira and GitS for what years now? Eh. I don't know, I haven't seen Maze Runner, but even if the girl is a good actress, To adapt Gunm (Battle Angel Alita) manga series

Ooooh, what a snappy comeback! Everyone, we sure got a badass over here!

Also there is Julien Lowe from The Shield.

I even logged in to Disqus just to upvote this! Really captures the complex, intricate and subtle nature of both the books and the movie.

Actor has voiced Deus Ex: HR protagonist, whose hallmark quote is exactly that.

Admiral Raan has the loveliest voice, I could have watched the series even if she would doing nothing save talking for an hour.

Ahahahah, never saw this until now, but it was awesome in a real trashy way.