
Gotze really spread this one wide open.

The revised active panel at the rear is HUGE. It could double as a drive in movie screen….

I don't get what the deal is either

Wow. I may ruffle some feathers, but what an improvement! Looks great.


Yes, yes it could...

Lots of schools I know would have loved to have this iMac donated to them.

Anyone else disappointed with the results? I was expecting the iMac to explode into a thousand of unrecognizable pieces. At least shoot the thing at the center of the screen or something. I wonder how many planes could've been saved by covering the bottom of the fuselage with iMacs.

apple products hold up surprisingly well against anti tank fire

That is a completely insane looking and awesome gun. However every time I see these videos I have to wonder, why waste money destroying expensive items like new computers or phones when they could just throw a bunch of junk together or find an old 90's computer or something.

I have nothing but love for Jay Leno because his youtube series is literally the best thing I have watched about cars. The information he knows and passion he has for old cars is amazing. What a life.

LS Side profile

From what I've seen, the VERY small gap in performance between the McLaren and the Porsche is more than made up for the Porsche's civilized manner and actual car interior. You said it yourself: "But sheer speed is not the question here".

Personally, I didn't know that the original version of eenie meenie had the n-word in it. I always heard "tiger".

Zoom Zoom BOOM

The one a little above the shadow is me. I held my arm out so I could find myself later. Hi mom!

Anything by singer