
I love Shannon, but the correct answer is Arnie.

Looks damned good despite being photographed with a potato.


A really fast fire leading to a rapid unscheduled disassembly.

explosion - n - a really really fast fire

But no. It really does suck, though.

Between a dozen or more massively beloved celebrities leaving us. Escalated violence throughout the world. Shitty politics at a turning point in history. Batman v Superman.

2016 sucks, dude.

2016 sucks even more now because of your post

Kinda like this

I would love to see the whole “enclosed back seat, peasant chauffeur can get wet” thing come back as a fad.

This makes me very unhappy.

I will buy five.

I really don’t get these Neighborhood Homeowner Association things. What authority does a group of neighbors have to control what you can put on your lawn? Do the city give them such powers? Or the county or State? And if so, why? Why were these control-freak groups created and supported? Aren’t the USA all about

Blue Aluminum.

What is this? An SUV for ants?

(Fg = G*m1*m2/R^2)/Russia = Dashcams.

Waterboy is good for a few chuckles. And Kathy Bates is really funny in it. In fact, the whole cast is pretty great.

I love this movie. This and Waterboy.

Credit where credit is due, that limo held up surprisingly well. I wouldv’e expected it to end up banana shaped from taking a hit like that.

So much want. Not nearly enough cash.

That seems like a good deal to me.