
Very true


Do you know the year exactly? I would like to have a closer look. I like the interior.

Me too. Any Icon would be perfect.

Sorry for your loss. I love dogs my self very much. I have 8 right now. Don't know what I am going to do when something happens to one of them.

Cars drive on highways.

M6 or Phantom Coupe


I am a Christian and the Bible does not mention a trinity or that Jesus is God.

They are calling Jesus by the by the name Jehovah, they are completely different

Jehovah is the name of God, It appears in the bible over 7,000 times in original the Hebrew and Greek languages. Jesus is the son of God. So the writing does not make sense.

This is horrible. The worst recipe ever. Who would come up with this? How would someone get the idea for this? Why would someone ever do this? I still can't believe it.

Yes but it needs a configurator so I can dream in more detail.

Agreed, every car site needs to have their configurator

thank you, always Porsche

Lamborghini's is the worse