Artemis Strong

And, Dude, Asian American is the preferred nomenclature.

Oh, I just wait until the games come down in price, is all.

That still has nothing to do with my point. You ask average person of the public who Spiderman is, you're more likely to get "Peter Parker" as the response. And with Peter Parker comes the classic story generations of people love.

Sixty bucks for a video game?

How do sales numbers (of what?) prove my point about the importance of being Peter Parker wrong?

You just summed up the major theme of the movie: horror flicks are formulaic, plot-driven things with shallow characters; so why is it we are so drawn to watch them, to tell them?

"I was never by your siiiiiiiiide…"

I aint afraid of no rollycoaster!

I'm calling it now: Tim & Eric cameos.

Say hello to Miguel Sanchez!

33 year-olds, Dude.

I find that scene very funny, actually.

"Rapidly open and close your left eye!"


I'm gonna reply to this comment tomorrow, but here's a quick sneaky peeky:

Batman would win in a fight against Superman.

The decision to flee came suddenly.

And The Late Late Show just isn't The Late Late Show without Tom Snyder.

In what ways?

Well aren't you the bee's knees?