I once knew a cat named Jeff, so you never know...
I once knew a cat named Jeff, so you never know...
Angel Atwater. I think I could actually roll with this one.
Thank you so, so much for this image...can't stop laughing either...
+1000 for the veiled Hamlet reference, Lindy.
Yeah, it's true - some men just punch easy.
Yeah, it's true - some men just punch easy.
Yeah, it's true - some men just punch easy.
Yeah, it's true - some men just punch easy.
Same! Hey, at least he brings much-needed attention (that isn't Phelps-related, at least) to our awesome sport - even if he's a few fries short of a Happy Meal, haha.
So, so glad I wasn't the only person bothered by this - I thought about attempting to make a witty, biting response but you definitely have it covered!
Sure thing! :)
Correction: Tina (Knowles, but let's imagine it's Turner) <—close 'em on up!! and Mae Whitman puts a follower in his fucking place.
While you were at ND, did you ever get a sense of the 'rape culture' that seems to be so prevalent (and not just at ND)? Did you feel unsafe, for example, walking back from the library at night, or experience sexual harassment in some form?
I am so, so very glad that I'm not the only person who burst out laughing at this gif.
He's pretty much the poster child for the adage "money can't buy taste."
I love how TMZ was all, "Man, Shiloh & co. look so unhappy!" And it's like well, did it ever occur to you that maybe they're sick of walking out of a store while trying to do normal people things and instead be crushed by a tidal wave of photogs?
I had that happen to me with a boy, too :( In 6th grade, there was a popular guy that I was into (I was a nerdy, bookish little violinist - in other words, not at the top of the social food chain), who asked me to the dance - I was so excited! - and it was the talk of the town for a few days. Then I found out very…
Wow, this is effing horrible. Your absurd level of privilege is showing, Doug, and so are your horrendous writing abilities.
Oh yay, another opportunity to be that insufferable English major! "DesJarlais doesn't mind tell everyone so"...sigh. Are you guys ever going to hire a copy editor, or at least proofread your own posts before putting them up?