
More Whisper Network bullshit

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Why is no one doing a story about Sweet Anita and the asshole that is stalking her? He has shown up at her house and physically attacked her more than once, but the cops won’t do anything to protect her!

If he’s just called the cops on him, he’d still be alive. Pretty sad

“We cant’ prove that there is any such thing as systemic racism, so we can just say it’s sooo subtle you can’t see it” LOL

I’m glad you have a “I’m never at fault” card that you can always play. Must be nice

You are a good writer, too bad all you want to be is a pro level victim

Love how you don’t mention that the security guard was a temp on his first day, so he didn’t know who ANYONE was. Leaving out crucial information to spin a story is also known as LYING

Pompeo and Barr need to be prosecuted and jailed ASAP

Depp is the victim here, but somehow you refuse to see it. Is it because he’s a man? Yeah, it’s because he’s a man

I think her career died because she turned 32. I mean they are replacing Scarlett Johannson as Black Widow because she turned...35! OH NO! Women in Hollywood are only allowed 2 phases, young and hot, then mom and or grandma that is still SOMEHOW kinda sorta hot (ALA Marisa Tomei in Spiderman)

What an Immoral Dickhole you are, spreading lies to defend an abusive piece of shit like Amber Heard. So he paid off Samantha McMillen too?

He dated someone who wasn’t his own age so he MUST BE AN ABUSER! He has a dick, SO HE MUST BE EVIL is really what you are saying

The question isn’t if he attack a photographer in the 90's, but if he attacked Amber Heard ever, and the answer is NO. He was the victim, but because he’s a man, you still want to make him the bad guy. Nice. Attack and smear the VICTIM. What an asshole, Immoral Dickhole

LOL. She’s on record admitting to hitting him, attacking him, throwing pots pans and other shit at him, and saying she can’t promise she won’t attack him again, AND when he asks her if he has EVER hit her or attacked her, she says nothing and then changes the subject. But Depp is JUST AS BAD because you FEEL like he

I guess Biden better win or Trump is gonna replace her with Stephen Miller

The Whisper Network strikes again

Or that people will lie to get back at people they don’t like?

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Heres a couple of videos from D’Angelo Wallce about a woman named Shallon Lester, a woman who made tons of videos (and tons of money) making videos about how evil and bad Ellen is. Turns out she made it all up. And she’s not the only one! Seems like there is a whole industry on YouTube based on spreading lies about

I knew you were a racist piece of shit