
So you’re going to act oblivious to the fact that Jez didn’t make these rumors up and wasn’t the first who posted one? The victims didn’t want to put their names to their accounts but they were nonetheless talking. That talk was newsworthy in and of itself. Jez claimed there were rumors because there were rumors.

You used the word unfounded a lot. I am not going to go all Princess Bride here, but if there’s one thing we learned, it’s that the NYT article put to rest the idea that the rumors were unfounded.

The only reason the Washington Post broke the Moore story is that they heard rumors.

Okay this is great and all, but please tell me they are going to announce Season 12 during this thing? Or at least tell us its dead

I mean, doesn’t the fact that that commentator couldn’t even get the newspaper right just turn the screed into perfection?

Anyone here get to see the MST3K live tour that ran earlier this year? I thought it was a blast, even though I had reservations when I heard they were “re-riffing” Eegah. It was hilarious.

I’m still thinking through my thoughts on this (is it ethical journalism or not, did Jezebel go at it the right way, etc) but your last line really bothers me:

I’m not sure why you’re bringing up the Washington Post? The New York Times broke the story earlier this morning — two different cities, two completley different media outlets.

We love your cruelty!

Here’s the pipe, you take it.

You think he can eat ham? Wait until you see me eat ham!

Pretty sure it’s more common than people than people who like The Smiths and don’t think Morrissey’s a smug asshole.

>Is it wrong to like The Smiths and think that Morrissey is a smug asshole?

If it’s wrong then at least you’re in good company. I don’t know that I’ve ever met a Smith’s fan who didn’t concede that Moz is a smug asshole.

Nope, as President, I absolve you. Disdain away, citizen.

A common...


If you mean Season 12, nothing has been announced yet. If you mean Season 11, I have some terrific news for you.

You’re an ugly little dummy, aren’t you?

Is it wrong to like The Smiths and think that Morrissey is a smug asshole?

I’m just going to assume you misspelled “12" or are participating in some kind of meme that I’m not privy to.