
We’re all murderinos!! SSDM!!

I hated Phi Phi on her season and am not loving her now, but I’m starting to realize she’s her own worst enemy. I think she just is a very competitive person and can’t help it. I was glad to see Ginger go home though. I was never team Ginger. #Katya for life!

Dang! I’m in the greys still (I took a break, ya’ll) but I thought the same thing!

It’s amazing what the human mind can do when it’s put to the test.

Kara, could it be that Khloe is trying to shade Chyna instead of Kim? I mean “You look like someone Rob paid for?” could be that. I will note that I only get my Kardashian news here, so I could be misreading....

Harrowing and beautiful.

It’s the “I have a picture of a Black (LGBTQ, Feminist, other PoC) in My Wallet, I can’t be ____” defense. He asked a feminist and she set him straight, so it’s all cool! Right??? s/

I’m starting to think we just didn’t know better.

I unashamedly LOVE the Dead Files.

Finally!! My people! She reminds me of my mom so, so much. I am on Instagram, but I know that’s not the same. I am an old. : )

I haven’t commented since the great shake out, but bravo my dear. BRAVO.

No, I knew those people, but I hadn’t heard about Bobby and some others. Pinkham responded to a post, so he’s still around? Maybe?

Blink twice if you need help!

Hey! Some of the Whigs were ok people with decent ideas...

Does anyone have a full list of who got the shaft?

Yowza. hadn’t seen that.

Me too! Why must the internet take away everything I love?? ripVideogum/ripDissolve/ripIo9

I like the cut of your jib. We should be friends.

That sums up my feelings about her almost TOO well? What is her thing??