
Halo Benders should should also get some recognition for being pulled over on the TV show Real Stories of the Highway Patrol. Calvin Johnson is put in handcuffs for "acting like a tough guy" and another band member gets arrested for having weed:…

It's kind of funny, considering Carpenter's "Assault on Precinct 13" is a ripoff of "Rio Bravo."

A new ep came out a couple weeks ago, in case you didn't know.

Brett Davis will always be MC Steinberg to me. But yeah, his MNN show is pretty good.

Anything to erase the stain of the Statham movie would be fine with me.

I really hate this kind of rock music writing. All that hep lingo and the forced "wacky" phrases. It reads like something Lester Bangs would have farted out while half listening to a Dictators record.

The Bob is not a person, The Bob is pure light and energy. Teradalu!

Just go to - that has a list of all the articles posted in chronological order.

Also, the line in the article about how Mr Brainwash "ends up more famous than Banksy himself" is frustratingly inaccurate.

Phillips' "Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies" is still (unfortunately) one hundred percent accurate, though.

Everything about the making of Dau sounds insane. Building a replica of 1930s Moscow and filming for over five years? Yeah, I'd watch that movie (if it ever gets finished).

Oh, get fucked. How is that evidence of trying to be "clever"? Rabid Best Show fans know exactly what he's talking about.

It totally was, but since there wasn't a copyright filed in the US, he got away with it.

He's been using uncredited samples of Arabic music for years, as well as getting sued for stealing a Finnish chiptune song. And the only reason he won that case was because of a legal loophole.

I guess Jonah Hill apparently confuses himself with Seth Rogen?

Can we pretend that the Jason Statham Parker movie never happened? Man, that was terrible.

Ever seen Bank Shot? George C. Scott as Dortmunder with a lisp for some reason. Not a bad flick.