The Walking Dead.
The Walking Dead.
He's a talking sword in the comics. Here's hoping he turns into that next season.
See also: the confusing of the Bible with Paradise Lost.
That's nonsense. The argument is that people can't even agree what is or isn't considered a spoiler, which is why it's absurd to hold critics to an ill-defined rule where they can't talk about a film or an episode's most interesting decisions. What's the point, then? Can you imagine if people also expect this about…
Couple of years ago, Harmon joked that the way he would do the movie is to start the 6th season with the gang traumatized by a certain field trip, and agreeing in the cold open never to speak of it ever again. And then the movie will reveal where they went and what it is they went through.
Yea, strumpet! Jubilation, thy name is magneth!