Hot Take

I take these numbers to mean the democratic party certainly won’t add it to its platform and the lead candidate will argue against it.

The table also shows Generation X supports by 60% and even Boomers support by 62% but, yes, let’s only focus on Millennials.

Firing a gun on a crowded city street is reason enough to fire and arrest this cop. Remember this?

I haven’t checked, but what do we want to bet that this burner was either created after the 2018 tax cuts, or had nothing to say about the associated costs?

We are in our mid 30s dickhead. Parents are sick or dying.

Vote - None of the above

Hey buddy? You might want to actually talk to, you know, actual Koreans? The ones who elected the Moon government to press for peace, and overwhelmingly (80%+) support what’s happening here? But sure, that’s “Trump’s foreign policy,” because after all, what should the desires of the people actually affected by seven

The two Koreas are closer to peace than they have been in decades. This isn’t because of Trump.

I hope that puts to rest Duckworth for President (Why specifically the Secretary of Defense’s approval? Who knows if Trump won’t put a nut like Bolton in?) talks and especially fuck anyone who supports the AUMF.

Funny how all the centrist apologists usually on here disappear when Israel’s massacres and the war in Yemen get brought up. I hope that puts to rest Duckworth for President (Why specifically the Secretary of Defense’s approval? Who knows if Trump won’t put a nut like Bolton in?) talks and especially fuck anyone who

It *can* happen if someone grew some balls and changed the conversation to “would you rather blow stuff up in other countries, or rebuild stuff in your own country” while highlighting infrastructure repair. There’s an opportunity there, but I feel like Trump is trying his damndest to hijack that concept.

But we don’t need any litmus tests for Democrats. What do words even mean anymore? Who needs them!

He’s siphoning resources from the DNC to vote with the republican agenda 60% of the time.

“I can either put this staple into your foot, or use it to staple your dick to your leg.”
Being in West Virginia sounds great.

It is in Nevada. It often gets more than the margin of victory between the top two candidates. Which I’m sure enrages Democrats to their very core.

Richard Ojeda could be the model

Remember when this utter chode got primaried by a pro $15/min wage environmental activist who actually didn’t have deep ties to the coal industry?

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, of West Virginia

Useless Democratic Senator Joe Manchin

He’s a bigger Maverick than John McCain! :laugh emoji: