quality post
quality post
And I didn’t want to be downer. I just do not see the anti-established overthrow quite yet. Schumer and Pelosi are still safely in charge of the party.
I think a lot of those pro DP Cali Republicans are not going to vote for either Feinstein or de Leon in the general if there is no R on the ballot.
Then you know she didn’t really change her mind rendering the following sentence pointless:
Alison Hartson is better
Give her a break. She is just doing her sworn duty to hold off letting us see a doctor for another six years.
A lot of pro death penalty people are going to vote R in the jungle primary regardless of what she or any other Dem does.
I will ungrey you champ.
There should be a one term limit on all elected positions.
I don’t care what made her change her mind.
I like Hartson, but she’s running a long way back in the last polling I saw.
I think it had more to do with this first round of primaries where incumbents and DCCC favorites were all knocked off by insurgents, progressives, and candidates who courted minorities and young people rather than following the dogma of appealing to moderate conservative whites.
He only had the most stressful job in the fucking world for eight fucking years.
She was a VERY loud voice against the monuments when the city was debating taking them down.
Perfect really.
FYI the The Dallas Morning News is garbage that tries to pretend it’s woke or something.
You might be right. I didn’t want to make an argument that transracialism isn’t real.
I don’t remember this sort of fuckery going on with the frequency we’re seeing.
The DSA are literally Democrats who want to socialize some basic human needs. Think of European style policies, which are still primarily capitalist economies.