Hot Take

Their response is that corruption is the norm and we should get used to it.

Maybe the system should enable people to amass that kind of wealth and power.

Well, Afghans still wear turbans.

Basically, Muslims and Sikhs are somewhat closely related, in the big family tree of Abrahamic faiths.

Islam is a Abrahamic religion, therefore closer to Christianity than Sikhism.

Sounds great but then:

I’m sure Mr. Schwartz has never experienced any kind of bigotry.

It means her message is 10X better

You could have been avoided with a condom.

It’s really up to her what she does now, but I wouldn’t team up with Manchin.

Now playing

Even the Clinton camp understands bad optics when it sees them.

In 2018, Clinton would be a supporter of this bill.

Love how they parade out their somewhat diverse workforce for this ad, like they’re so progressive, BUT GOD HELP THEM IF THEY TALK ABOUT FORMING A UNION!!!!12

Paula Jean spent just $3 per vote in this primary. Manchin spent $30

It was good she challenged Manchin because it got people up the hollers thinking(at least the people she could reach with her limited funds)

Campaign worker isn’t an occupation

Those fat cat letter carriers....

I need to get on that train.

your point being?

Who said anything about Bernie? Why is it so hard for you to stay on topic?