Huh, I thought she couldn’t be cracked.
Huh, I thought she couldn’t be cracked.
Paul Ryan picking all the smart battles over here.
He are the credentials of the people who conducted the study:
Dat ratio.
I saw that NEA badge. Go teachers!
“We heard loudly and clearly yesterday from Bernie supporters that the process was rigged, and it was. And you’ve got to be honest about it,”
I wonder if we would still be tearing down confederate statues all over the country if Hillary was president right now.
Hurt her? It sure helped get the primary rigged for her!
Why can’t the most powerful country in the world handle 200 refugees? Did the going get a bit tough?
Isha stop covering her. Stop making her relevant.
Demanding that a reporter bringing us news not be an unabashed liar is not an ‘extreme left’ position.
Why does the fact that she lied not bother you?
Immigration today is not “good for the economy”; it undercuts American wages, costs Americans jobs, and reduces Americans’ standard of living.
America is not a “nation of immigrants”; we are originally a nation of settlers, who later chose to admit immigrants
We’ve come a long way since freedom fries.
Update, 8:55 PM ET, 04/24/2018: Since the publication of this post, PFLAG has rescinded the Straight in Equality award that it was slated to give Reid in May.
OK, if this is supposed to be our alternative to Fox then it’s high time people realize cable news must go the way of the dodo.
*fist bump*