Hot Take

You haven’t heard my take though. I’m just providing facts.

You seem upset.

He was Democrat until recently

Why wouldn’t he like it? Because it contains 5 other war criminals and they left him out?

Why do facts upset you?

You seem upset

What’s the odds of getting this if I’m not white(hypothetically)?

I’m just providing facts without comment here.

Oh for fucks sake

Welcome to my fanclub. I see you met Arnheim.

huh... I guess they do know how to party.

then why did the Republicans take him in?

He also used to be a Navy Seal.

Maybe... or he was always an asshole.

In every Greitens story I’m obligated to point out he used to be a Democrat.

The FBI didn’t subpoena for the DNC servers because they were familiar with Crowdstrike and the excellent work they do

If I’m not mistaken the source of the dossier the DNC paid for was a contact inside the Kremlin(allegedly could have also been some guy).

Provided without comment:

Isn’t this game about an irrationally angry dude who rips people’s faces off?

Ghosting someone you’ve known for a while(not first dates) seems kind of new though.