Hot Take

But yeah, sure, blame a low level public employee, trying to make a living on $43,000 a year in New York City (that’s the starting salary for an NYPD officer - and it only tops out at $85,000 after five and a half years on the job), for all the social problems caused by people way above his or her pay grade

His own community called the cops on him - because when somebody points a gun-like object at you, it’s always best to assume that it’s a gun.

Since you decided to resort to childish insults, you are getting dismissed. If you want your posts to be unhidden, act like a grownup.

Since you decided to resort to childish insults, you are getting dismissed. If you want your posts to be unhidden, act like a grownup.

What do you want police to do, wait until they are shot before shooting?

That’s not how defending yourself works.

Also, I love your cavalier attitude towards the safety of unionized public employees

Then don’t apply to be a cop. We are overpoliced anyway.

What crime did this man commit that warranted a death sentence?

You are right. He was innocent.

Not sure I agree, but you’re getting a star cause I don’t want him to have more stars.

That header image is damn sensual.

So, this is either a magic IDF bullet OR these people are acting.

And that justifies the shooting of the praying man in the video how? I am trying to figure out how that makes sense in a democratic system. Please help me make sense of it.

Why is a 36 man trolling around a college campus?

Actually that was a bunch of nonsense. Video proof:

Call my bluff

Maybe the Hot Take username needs to cool a bit to let facts come out: i.e. Body cams, dash cams etc.

Police should not be issued firearms.

We have another election seat coming up in 2020, I think. Hopefully the wave will be even bigger by then.