Luigi Mario

Yeah, the thumbnail is why I played this video. Premium Rush was awesome, that guy reminds me of David Moyes.

This means I have 2 more years to make a hit game and beat this guy

I remember linking Stephanie you guys' twitter handles, happy for her!

This is amazing. And right after I got my PS4? More than I could ever ask. You have all my monies, Sony, you have all of them...


Just when PS4's new VR kit was announced



I need it

Thanks, now I remember! Off to!

Not Animal Crossing? I am disappoint. Besides, there was this one glorious tumblr page about this girl playing Animal Crossing as Kanye West... which one was it?

Good mechanics, awesome graphics, licensed teams and leagues. Now that would be a cool cricket game. And T20s

Well, it took almost an hour to beat the second level, but still it's impressive. If there weren't blood and middle-fingers, I would have let him play it. Yep, it does apply. I made his parents buy him a Wii U, taught him to sit securely on the sofa so as not to break the controller, and hot-damn he will soon be a

Here you can see a Xbox One ready to be demolished

He can fucking ace at that game too, I saw him play a few levels but I didn't want him to learn the Fetus's middle finger

He gets angry when Om Nom makes the sad face, so I don't let him play it

It can track your head

My 3-year old nephew plays SMB and Angry Birds better than me...:(