
he is “texting buddies” with Donald Trump

Can Kylie Jenner’s Labia Lip Kit be far behind?

You start with a BA in Brangelina studies and then focus entirely on Anges weight for your Master thesis. Then you take a few supplementary courses in how to value women based solely on their appearance and marital status.

Get the fuck outta here with your #notallmen apologia. The reason why a minority of men can get away with such spectactularly bad behavior is that the rest of us participate in power structures that ensure that they don’t suffer any consequences for it. Nobody gets a pass for not being actively sexist in a patriarchal

i can only imagine. i loved this and think it’s so important. i am truly sorry you had to read these tweets and then experience them all over again during this exercise. i wanted to hug you, too.

This is ridiculous but can you imagine?

Seems like an odd occupation. I mean, who would buy a sno-cone in a porta-potty?


This Rachel Ray thing has been making me laugh all weekend. God damn that's funny

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

Everything about this woman is boring. I can’t even say she’s vanilla, because vanilla is actually delicious.

And here is our mascot.

Get your troll ass outta here.

For the record when people say “New York Values” they mean white and black and brown people living next door to each other. Gays freely walking the streets and going to bars to enjoy themselves. Muslims, jews, christians, atheists, all shopping, dining, etc together. Everyone living the lives they want without trying

Well, NYC is one of the fashion capitals of the world and when you dress like this, Teddy’s gotta feel a bit uncomfortable.


A rare showing of what “corporate responsibility” really means. Good on PayPal.

They don’t understand that. They define it differently. To them, feminism or racial equality is defined as, “Oh shit, the _____ are going to treat us as badly as we’ve treated them all these years? EVERYBODY PANIC!”

I have a real problem with this wording.

Elizabeth Warren and the character Gina from Brooklyn 99 can stay.