Today on Highlight Reel we have Luke Skywalker force pushing a snowtrooper into a TIE fighter, Metal Gear meets WWE,…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Luke Skywalker force pushing a snowtrooper into a TIE fighter, Metal Gear meets WWE,…
I feel genuinely bad for the person this happened to.
It just keeps going on like this. Warning: NSFW imagery ahead.
After Twitter user c0mpl3x1ty had a few drinks, they booted up Techland’s open world zombie game, Dying Light. An…
Everyone likes to complain about how developers try to nickel and dime their audience with paid downloadable…
That’s some serious teamwork.
Here, obtained by Kotaku, is exclusive footage of Venom Snake breaking into Konami’s headquarters and extracting Meta…
It starts slow, and feels a little self-indulgent. But this Metal Gear Solid V debriefing ends with something of a…
It’s been almost a decade since the first Gears of War came out on Xbox 360. During that time, many games borrowed Ge…
Here’s undeniable proof that Mortal Kombat and Enter the Dragon are indeed one in the same.
Anime shows are a team effort. There are many people involved in the making of your favorite show, each with their…
You are not looking are some fan drawn images. These are official images from Dragon Ball Super’s fifth episode. Fan…
I can’t believe this is true, but: Dragon Ball is back, and it’s better than ever.
Russian art group in[visible] studio created a miniature real life version of the bloodiest battle of World War II.…
Korean Jang Min-chul (a.k.a. MC) is one of the most consistent pro players in StarCraft II. Make that was, because…
Yes, that’s a dog taking a break and relieving themselves in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Goofs aside, your…
It’s the new standard in sports commentary. When someone gets excited, someone else makes a Super Saiyan gif of them.…
Straight outta EA’s E3 press conference, here’s a big chunk of multiplayer gameplay from Star Wars Battlefront, out…
UPDATE (10am): On Wednesday morning, Bethesda announced Fallout 4 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You can watch the…
It’s called Dragon Ball Super. And it’s the first new, original Dragon Ball television anime in nearly two decades.