
You do neither. Have some respect for others in public.

Here’s a short history lesson:

75 years ago, Lebanon was a prosperous, predominantly Christian country. It was a popular vacation spot, and commercial and banking center often compared to Switzerland. Beruit was called the Paris of the Mideast

Circa 1950 Lebanon generously took in Islamic refugees from Syria and other

so what, they are going to take all the money they made from their 3 user subscriber accounts?

Did I just watch some people push-start a f*cking shark?

A couple months actually. The 1.6 billion isn’t the entire Greek national debt. It’s just a payment that goes towards the entire debt. Total debt is closer to 340 billion.

Was the murder the perp committed conducted in a humane way? No. Maybe criminals would think twice about committing a crime if they knew the consequences were going to be extremely severe. Define several levels of punishment and let the court decide which level matches their crime. Save the most painful for the worst

Nope. Once you murder an innocent person in cold blood you have no right to be on this earth anymore.

it's so cute when you try to talk smart about things you don't know. i see the point you insensitively tried to make. however, it is clear you don't really have much of a clue as to how the world works or even the industry you're commenting on for that matter. we heard what you had to say, so now you can go back to

That was so ignorant.

One less studio making tv and film productions would be a huge loss to the industry. Yeah, a lot of people would have to go find new jobs in a new industry if that happened. I'm always in shock when people get and express such delight in the demise of others. Has Sony ever wronged you?

Grips and set builders don't make very much and the work is sporadic. Also it is not the actor's company. Actors are rarely under contract to one studio.

People who work for them and support their families do... Its not just studio ex's and actors you know...

A tech article with a final comment that throws all the evidence out the window and makes claims against a police officer that aren't based on any facts.

It may true, but it is also a lie of omission. You forgot to mention the part where before the black man (he was 18 and by legal definition an adult) got shot, he aggressively robbed a store, attacked a police officer, and made repeated attempts to steal the officer's weapon.

So is this a tech article or a vessel to express your opinions on the Michael Brown incident? Because you make some very biased and ill informed assertions at the end.