@89macrunner: 1% of 1.4 million is 14000 users affect...so it is a LARGE base but that cuz they sold THAT many. I am sure if you sold 1.4 million EVOs there be 1% defective rate. No product is made perfect
@89macrunner: 1% of 1.4 million is 14000 users affect...so it is a LARGE base but that cuz they sold THAT many. I am sure if you sold 1.4 million EVOs there be 1% defective rate. No product is made perfect
@HeroOfTomorrow-you're holding it wrong.: agreeed
@Professor F: if i wanted a hunk of shit to stare at everyday i buy a dell then wouldn't i.
i reallly think you should take a marketing course...no1 says their product is less than amazing regardless of what it is.
@pixelpushing: its like microsoft stealing the GUI from apple after they got it from xerox. Just cuz you can see what a iphone interface is like without the core code its useless.
@EShy: i wish i was, how is the OS crap compared to android. Your comment is quite biased. If you have ever used it you can feel the difference in the scroll. Android has its features, not saying its not attractive. But having switched to a different phone and playing with friend's iphones i want to go back now.
@aero1930001: ur redundant comment has kinda been the topic of discussion too often
@JEmlayUSA: Apple hasn't refused any warranty service, they are 'working' on a fix. Regardless thats the only fix they have
@Frannyc28: I think the moment you start talking in court, the case is lost to apple
@Micah John Henning: I wonder what would happen if none of the iphones in court had dropped reception...after all alot of ppl are pretty pleased with the reception. In the comment box anyways
@Hsi Chan: Same with how after I get that password, your contacts and other info will be stolen easy peasy. Rule of thumb have a backup
@dennis636223: all public companies are like this. They have a duty to their shareholders now.
@dtemp: ur comparing your desktop to a laptop...also your 8 gb of ram is useless if the processor can't keep up with processing. Multitasking and such.
@Pook365: maybe thats because the other person is using a iphone so you hear what they are saying. :) Any newer phone in general really.
@Stevox: This man knows what hes talking about bravo.
@EShy: i highly doubt every model that is sold is perfect. In ANY brand, if ur 3g had issues should have brought it in for a swap. Thats what the warranty is for. HTC Evo screen is coming off...i don't see how minor that is...fans are still buying it. i agree the attenna issue is a huge mess up and the shattering.
@AdmiralPoopinpants: U make ur droid sound like its invincible, the name maybe but i assure u its not. Drop it a few more times maybe ur wifi chip won't work.
@ZGangsta: its 1% out of 17 million that are affected. Do the math, if the OS was garbage i doubt anyone would still want it
@EShy: u know what only 1% of ppl is reporting this issue, 1% out of 1.7 million. thats 17000 ppl. Jimmy falon is one of the few who even demonstrated on tv that he can make the call with a left hand covering the corner. It much more known this issue, cuz of how many iphone users they are compared to just 1 of HTC…
@Zak123: glad to hear u guys having a great time with iphone4 i am pumped for when it crosses the border