Yes. It’s the time added to the stadium clock to account for stoppages on the referee’s watch. It’s more like (though not really like) an untimed down in football or a basket going in after the buzzer.
Yes. It’s the time added to the stadium clock to account for stoppages on the referee’s watch. It’s more like (though not really like) an untimed down in football or a basket going in after the buzzer.
Very well said about the Vardy goal. I was in a bar in Denver and it was 95% England fans, and we all looked at each other with great disbelief until that second replay clearly showed it was off a Welsh player. I can’t believe it WASN’T called back, kudos to the refs on that one.
A fun England team that didn’t choke.
An American wondering why the little people can’t have nice things is a little too on-the-nose even for kinja, don’t you think?
They snatched it, alright. Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels.
Also: Raheem Sterling is trash and should be stapled to the bench. I don’t understand why people rate him.
I was 13.
Your university is wrong. There is no reason to learn a Chinese language (Chinese isn’t a language btw). People were scared of China’s economy for a while, that’s probably the reason they are advocating this. But it’s all a house of cards that will soon come tumbling down. Btw, Chinese companies now comprise a large…
Exactly what we now expect Jackie Chan would say. China is the master race ideology. He already forget his root as a Hong Konger.
Today in Alternate Future History:
According to a report broadcast by French TV station Stade 2, the UCI (cycling’s governing body) obstructed a police…
“...and Thompson being straight up Windex.” That’s great, how have I never heard that one before?
Look at this clip of that Marichal fight. There is actually a second guy out there with a bat as well!
I taught in a tiny village in West Africa, where only part of the village had electricity, and over 50% of my middle school students could identify a photo of Obama and state that he was the President of the US. No other US cultural figure came close (including Beyonce, Jordan, or Ali).
Nothing like the amazing glances from wearing a “Quatar Foundation” shirt.
My favorite part of this play is Crosby giving one last look back to Letang right before the faceoff. It’s the look of “You better not fuck this up.”
I know right? If Baseball was a team sport instead of an individual sport, I could understand him not winning a championship or even a playoff series, since obviously he would only be one player on a team of dozens that would each have to perform well in order to be successful. But since Ichiro is the sole reason as…