Arse Moriendi

I think if he were going to lie about having the virus, he would have lied about it in March or April just to say “See, it’s no big deal.”

This. These kind of mental gymnastics are no different than the crazy webs that inform QAnon conspiracy theories

When they said he is suffering mild symptoms, I took that to mean he is on a respiratory already and close to death.

Thank You! I cannot deal with these people who think Trump is some kind of Machiavellian Super Nixon who leads everyone around by the nose and has some brilliant over reaching design. He’s an imbecile who pulls things out of his ass that has absolutely no credibility. Occam’s razor for Christ’s sake. 

People, can we please shut down the idea that this diagnosis is a hoax? Trump is not Machiavelli - he’s a schoolyard bully, and the thing bullies fear above all else is showing any sort of weakness. At every turn, even before he was elected, Trump has lied, deflected and projected to avoid admitting to the slightest

I can’t imagine that anybody will pay any attention to the Guilfoyle or the Melania issues, after the bombshell virus diagnosis.

Jez, Jezzy, Madam Jezebel, are you there?

I say “Yes!” to this as I also hate-comment on an article I should have skipped.

Yeah apparently his Covid diagnosis helped him realize how trite and unimportant his job is. Not enough to leave it, mind you, but enough that he’s not drinking the kool-aid anymore.

CNN in total should stop with the both sides shit - no more Republican sycophant guests please. At least until after the election. And maybe not then.

Some humans are probably concerned about Trump’s blasé attitude about the needless majority ’of 204K’s COVID-19-related deaths, especially during an election year.

Cruz’s voice cracking at 0:35 ... that’s when you know Cuomo got under his skin, especially because he has no response and has to pivot.

She went through a bout of massive depression 15 years ago. Know Ted’s presidential ambitions and the general Republican feeling toward mental illness, I doubt she’s received adequate treatment for it.

I never really liked Cuomo as a host before but I really do enjoy this post-COVID infection version of Cuomo who has absolutely no fucks to give and doesn’t really both sides it any more.

I suspect that’s close to the truth. But, even if you’re 100% correct, I can’t believe she’s forgotten. That’s something you don’t forget, and I can see it gnawing at her every time she looks at him.

He’s in the basement, like he’s always been. Eating cold soup out of the can. Stroking his beard and watching blob fish porn

Nobody marries Ted without knowing who he is.

What sort of marriage do you think Ted and Heidi have now?

Jeffree Star getting scammed by his newest accessory makes me grin.

why does this person keep getting reported on? why, why, why?