Arse Moriendi

If the future debates involve anything other than an “if you interrupt, we will mute your mic for 15 seconds” rule, I have no idea how any future debates will be any different. I got about 30 minutes in, and couldn’t take it anymore. 

At debates, mics need to only be on if it’s that candidates time to talk. I don’t get why this hasn’t been done (besides obviously wanting to make it seem more like a spectacle).

Everyone knew Trump has no line he won’t cross and would go after Hunter and probably even Beau despite his own nepotism. There were many points where Biden paused and took a breath, girding himself from going HAM.

Look, I’m not amped up about Biden being the candidate. But I ain’t gonna drag his performance last night. We all knew what was coming. Trump is a deranged lunatic. Whoever was gonna face him was going to get this treatment. I don’t think a lot of people could handle a maniac bellowing incessantly while you’re trying

Hell, the way Trump just shrugged off Biden bringing up Beau to continue to attack Hunter was... I don’t even know how to describe it. It was clearly a strategy as they probably wanted to draw Biden in to attacking Trump’s children, but it was also clear that Biden campaign had prepared for that. Still, I don’t know

200+k dead, tanked economy, lack of healthcare, grifting the country, crime, lies, chaos, loss of homes, jobs, govt shutdowns, 400+ senate bills ignored, destroying democracy, loss of faith in gov, loss of global respect, trade wars, destroying the environment, decimating protected land for profit, giving billions to

It was expected that he would act the way he did. The other 2 debates should just be canceled at this point since they’ll just be repeats of last night.

I think Biden did the best he could do by trying to ignore him and talking directly to the people.


Like they will acknowledge the media ever giving them equal treatment. The media is always going to be the enemy. All that shit does is give them quotes to push their agenda.

How else can they prove to MAGA hats that they’re not part of the radical leftist agenda unless they both-sides everything?

Your take is decidedly different, and much more correct, than Osberg’s post just a few minutes ago.

Oh, you know why

That creeped the hell out of me. He lies so often, why couldn’t he manage to there? Something like, “Why yes of course I denounce racists!” We would know he was lying, but still. And he wouldn’t alienate his base because they’re stupid. 

The POTUS openly pandered to a gang, during a debate on live television. Makes me sick how far we done fell.

The most telling part was how Trump fumbled through his non-answer. He knows he can’t outright denounce the racists. That’s his core. You could see the rusty gears in his head seize up trying to blurt out a response. So duh -“I want to see peace.” Yeah, right.

He then followed up the stand by order with a call to his nazi vigilante militia groups to terrorize citizens at the polls. We are beyond fascism now. This despot is happy to see cities burns to stay in office.

I have seen colickly babies read a room better.

People who say, “French fried potatoes” instead of just “french fries” are 100% serial killers.