Arse Moriendi

He doesn’t care about his base unless they’re in a swing state. That’s it. He’ll happily let his supporters in California and Alabama die, because their votes don’t matter to him. 

The Democratic party (or some entitiy) really needs to explain Q-anon to the public (that at their core they are a Nazi organization) and make the links between them and the Republican party crystal clear. I’m talking really drive the point home on as many fronts as possible (e.g. social media, party talking points,

As an Oregonian imagine my surprise to hear for the first time about these (sigh) exploding trees...

Caputo’s riot-inciting comments are enraging because they’re based on a stupid hypothetical - unlike Trump, Biden has not preemptively called the election’s integrity into question. 

I just really wish Biden would focus more on what HE is doing to do, instead of wasting time attacking Trump. I mean, I’ll vote for him regardless but he’s not going to change one Trump voter’s mind.

20 bucks someone managed to make his 2 synapses fire off enough to realize Republicans exist in Democratic States and make the trip.

Ah, yes, just like the China Virus will magically go away, the planet will just cool off, very strongly. You’ll see, many people are saying. Trump knows, his brother went to MIT. Very big brains, Trump understands these things, genetically.

Very true for Oregon as well. Outside Portland and Eugene, the rural parts of the state where many of the fires have taken place, are deep-red, Pro-Trump country.

The part that really shows his flippant incompetent apathy is that much of the areas that burn in wildfires are more likely to be Republican-dominated counties. He thinks he shouldn’t care about California because he doesn’t get the votes, but he’s burning his base, literally.

I think whether she believes him or not is pretty irrelevant.   

Serious question for you.


At least she’s not being blamed for the wildfires??

Not so much “blamed” as “had several news cycles devoted entirely to their imagination of how awful she is, specifically in order to distract from Andrew’s crimes.”

Meghan Markle will wear the wrong color hat that shows total disrespect to the Queen, marks the end of the British Empire, and will be literally worse than the Blitz of London.

But William and Harry were "allowed" to marry commoners so now everything the RF does is "modern" and normal just like you and me!

I wonder how the Daily Mail is going to blame Meghan for this ?

Repeat, the Royal Family is complicit in pedophilia 

Has Andrew cooperated with the FBI yet like he promised? No?

Christ, I wouldn’t put it above them to release a statement akin to “Gosh we are so sorry Andy is so klutzy to be walking along, trip on an errant stone & fall, and accidentally stick his dick in those teenagers....repeatedly.” without a hint of irony.