Arse Moriendi

It’s also weird to see people shocked that Trump didn’t know which countries fought in WWI and why after he allegedly has a degree in economics and had to ask if a weak dollar was a good thing and suffered zero consequences for that. 

The way I see it, if you voted for him once maybe you were misled, but if you vote for him again you are just plain stupid. And sadly there’s a whole lot of stupid in this country.

Yup. The con is they don’t understand he has disdain for all life: military lives, women’s lives, black lives, elderly lives, front line workers lives, immigrants lives etc. It all adds up to his contempt for each and every single one.

And the returning vets who demonstrated against the Vietnam War....

That he is human trash is, unfortunately, a large part of his appeal

Republicans are really good at portraying the guy that couldn’t bother going into active service (Reagan, Bush, Trump) as the guy that lives the troops while the Democrat that actually served (Carter, Kerry) are commie pinkos.

Therein is the con. The only “winner” is him, can only be him in his own mush brain. But he can bullshit the lumpen to believe they’re winning along with him....all the while he is denigrating them as “losers” and “suckers”.  While scheming to line his pockets any way he can.

And the more groups that join “those people,” the more special the remaining ones feel (of course he hates them just as much, but they don’t believe it.) 

“Okay, the first six hundred times we’re pretty sure you were joking, but this six hundred and first time we’re starting to wonder...”

Odds these two “former sr Trump admin officials” are Mattis and Kelly?

Well this is interesting. Think Hannity will mention her reporting tonight?

That he is human trash is, unfortunately, a large part of his appeal. His lumpen base does, indeed, know who he is and while some may be uncomfortable with his crazy, they still support his....well can’t say his beliefs or principles. He has none. But he talks the talk as only an experienced conman can. And they’ve

Veterans and service-members who don’t exclusively watch the sanitized coverage of Trump on Fox News have known this for a long time. He hasn’t tried to hide any of it, but the right-wing media has.

I know we want to win over 2016 Trump voters and honey works better than salt (or whatever), but if you voted for Trump in 2016 and you claim you didn’t know he was a piece of shit, then you are a liar or monumentally fucking stupid.

It’s weird to hear Trump disrespect those who served in the military after all the other times he’s done it and suffered no consequences.

They are nemeses because a loved one has a crush on them and goes on and on about it just to get under my skin or because they have a career trajectory I envy or they are vigorously mediocre or they have wronged someone I care about or they have wronged me.

“Hold it right there, bald headed dude from Law and Order” kills me every time.

Why are you surprised that receptionists at random hair salons are not wasting their time entertaining a random phone caller’s random questions about extensions at the RNC?