Arse Moriendi

Of course he did. If you deputize them, it ruins your plausible deniability.

The Kenosha police chief tried to muddy the waters by stating he declined to deputize armed citizens (read armed white men, because POC are never the citizens in this parlance) despite pressure to do so. He was shocked, just SHOCKED that his county is another example of the police state routinely empowering white men

When will this country learn that when a “Kennedy” from THE “Kennedy” family is running it is a bad thing?. Do they think their idea of what “Camelot” was will happen again?

Unsurvivable storm surge

Earlier that night those same cops, same as in same police department not necessarily same exact individuals, said they appreciated them being there (the white supremacists) and gave them water as they drove by.

This fully armed boy had 3 cops roll past him after killing two people, during the curfew they were claiming to enforce, and not even a single tear gas spray was directed his way. White America’s sons of anger get to kill people with the state’s seal of approval.

Turns out the 17 year old murderer was front and fucking center at a Trump rally in January. Because of fucking course. 

Nikki Haley serving some modernized Dolores Umbridge realness.

Megan, I initially thought Melania was about to give Trump mouth to mouth in that picture.

“Any industry that has that much power and is that competitive, because after a while it starts to become, ‘Well, who can take the most abuse?’” she said.

I wonder if they interviewed Tatum O’Neal for this.  You wanna talk about a messed up child hood.  When she got nominated for an Oscar, and her father didn’t (for Paper Moon) he punched her.  She subsequently went to the Oscars (where she won) alone.  Neither of her parents went.  Ryan O’Neal is such garbage.  

And she’s neither a victim nor witness to the abuse (she has already testified about her own rape) so she’s not really in a position to call out names. These are likely assaults described to her by friends so they’re not her stories to go public with. Naming the assailant may expose victims who aren’t willing or

this isn’t really so black and white. It doesn’t mean shit sometimes to come forward, that’s the sad fucking reality. She can lose everything, go through her own trauma again as a potential victim of abuse, and then there is still no justice served. Yes you can hope for the best, but victims know the reality that the

Singer and Spacey likely have dirt on producers much higher up the food chain.  There are a lot of producers who have tons of sway and connections.  People whose names mean nothing to people outside the industry.  Maybe you have seen their names in films, but a lot of them arent names you ever see.  The people moving

I also feel this outraged on why we keep letting abusers walk around like nothing.

Very true. I look at guys like Singer and Spacey and am beyond confused how teflon they seem.

Along similar lines, I highly recommend Athlete A on Netflix. It dives into the large scale abuse perpetuated by USA gymnastics.

Who the hell cares if you’re not going to name names? What’s the point of calling people out if you’re not going to call them out? So they sue you? So you’re poor... welcome to what it’s like for everyone else. Don’t sit there and tell me that you care and that you want it to stop when when your money and your

Rachel-Wood has really grown into a very thoughtful person. People are quick to harp on celebrities, but I do feel despite the money, you are very powerless. It’s a church we all congregate to because it does fill a certain portion of our spirt but we all know the extreme abuse that takes place behind closed doors. I