
100 years. Out in 50 with good behavior.

Seriously, I hate how FC/rapid prompting is often brought up in the same breath with legitimate alternative/augmentative communication devices and methods which allow for independent communication.

In my General Psych class about a million years ago, we watched a video on FC, which also then (over a decade ago) portrayed FC folks as quacks & mostly perverts. Many of the facilitators were straight up making up accusations on “behalf” of their clients, claiming that family members had molested them, etc. This

This this this this this so much. FC is demonstrably bullshit. Assisted communication *can* definitely be great for people with physical disabilities who don’t have mental disabilities or who have less severe mental disabilities - people who have ALS, for example. My grandmother had a degenerative nerological disease

This case is even more horrific than it’s being presented as here. The kind of FC Stubblefield practices has been extensively and consistently disproven (ie, in multiple reproducible studies, if conflicting information is presented to the facilitator and the patient, 100% of the time the FC will express the info given

It’s exactly the same as using a ouija board. Most people using those things genuinely believe they’re not influencing the movement of the indicator, but they are. I’m sure most FC practitioners genuinely believe they’re getting input from their client, but when you test the patients on things they can see that you

I can't believe that FC still has a lot of backing and support. This technique has done so much damage. I understand the need to connect with people who have severe disabilities and how easy it is to grasp at straws. My god, so many people have burned by this and it really needs to end.

Yeah, and it’s been proven over and over not to work when anyone but the FC practitioner is working with the person.

I feel like if it were a balance thing, then some sort of sling would be just as effective. But if you need a specific person to hold your hand? yeah no.

And she was an ethics prof! That’s the part that kills me.

Yeah, facilitated communication isn’t real. I understand why people are desperate for it to be real, and I do think its practitioners do believe in it, but that doesn’t mean it’s real.

Not to mention abstaining from sex with your client is a way to NOT completely torpedo your career, lose your license, and potentially open yourself up to a lawsuit. I think fully 85% of my ethics class in grad school could be summed up in the statement, “don’t fuck your clients, past or present.”

someone with a whole host of control issues. among many other things I’m sure.

I was with her until I read nobody else can “help” him to speak but her

Abstaining from sex with clients is a solid idea for most everyone, except where it’s specifically in the job description.

Too right. And wtf is wrong in your brain that this poor dude reads as “appealing sexual partner” for you?

Abstaining from sex with clients is a solid idea for any therapist tbh

Especially since she doesn't think she did anything wrong, at all.

Seems like if you’re a practitioner of a therapy that already isn’t completely accepted by the medical or scientific community that you should probably just abstain from sex with your clients if you don’t want to make your therapy look even more sketchy.

If that’s your defense, you’ll be up for season 3 when you get taken to grammar court.