
I’ve watched just about every race from 2002 to 2019. The 2020 season I started watching half-hour recaps. But so far this season, the midfield race is so, so competitive that for me the race at the top isn’t outcome determinative for me watching it. I mean, we saw Max for what, three minutes, total, of the GP? The

lotta different way of looking at this. crushed jeeps melted down and ground into lenses? jeep headlight lensing melted down into new lensing?

consider the source.  everything is projected through a lens made entirely of jeeps.  not that there’s anything wrong with that!

The “current Republican intern on Capitol Hill” quoted above refers to him parking outside her dorm in a spot reserved for people with disabilities. So I would assume this was after, unless he was being horrible about that as well.

I believe it was after. 

I’m not entirely convinced the driver had much involvement in keeping that rig shiny side up, I think he was along for a very lucky ride, which could have ended poorly.

Wow - back when 300 hp was supercar power, rather than an adequate amount for an SUV to ‘keep up with traffic’.

I used to work with a bunch of former Ford workers. They told me they liked to eat their lunch on the line and just throw the trash behind the panels in the footwell. 

At least he didn’t burn down Notre Dame cathedral.

Reminds me of this fun one:

I know this has been up for a couple days, but putting up a pic of a 2004 R32 knowing FULL WELL the guy is looking to trade in his undesirable DSG-only 2008 R32 is pure clickbait.

Header picture is not a 2008 (mkv) R32.  It’s a 2004 (mk4) r32.

wish i never sold my 04 r32. probably one of my biggest regerts. i’d tell this guy to keep his but the mk5 golf was hideous! but then again, he should definitely keep it.

This dirt bag put 200k on his VW and finally had to change the windshield wipers or something. He does not know what maintenance costs are, ok? My advice? Go play some video games, keep your head up your ass where it belongs and maybe Biden will send you a brand new electric one.  Make it a Great Day.

“The R32 was a great car, but an aging example can easily become a financial liability. And I would imagine it’s not ideal for several dogs and your climbing gear.” So you’re suggesting a homologation special that’s 7 years older, has 4 sq feet more of space and rare parts?

Also skip the whaling ship Essex.

Arrrrrgh, as much as I hate this movie - and I hate it A LOT - I never ever understood how Cam the Man thought he could get away with not showing how cold the water had to be in the interior shots. GOD I HATE JAMES CAMERON'S TITANIC.

Not really.  All you end up with is two people cold and wet.  What he could have done was swim over to that other board I see floating over there.  Or any of the other pieces of debris that must of been near by.

You only die if you're half-submerged in cold water outside, apparently, as he was alread mostly under the icy cold water that had started filling the ship when he was chained inside.