i don’t understand why this movie is getting so much hate. is it because they’re daring to do a re-make involving mostly women?
i don’t understand why this movie is getting so much hate. is it because they’re daring to do a re-make involving mostly women?
supposedly DC is already second guessing it too. I remember reading rumors of turning it into either a team up (with someone the flash maybe? which seemed random) or like a teen titans movie.
I would like flash’s suit if it had the lightning bolts on his head like the comics or the tv show. looks weird just being a flat helmet. I would like Cyborg too if he had his red glowing eye.
do we know where this gif came from??
couldn’t agree more, best part of the whole movie (i’m going to buy it and watch it again just for her fight scene with doomsday).
that was my thought.. its crazy that we only have 13 episodes left, i feel like all the important stuff is finally starting to happen (Jon being king of the north, Cersei on the iron throne, starks starting to reunite, Dany coming to westeros, etc.).. i get not wanting to have any filler episodes but theres still so…
loved her in BvS (best part IMO) i only had one problem.. HER DANG ACCENT. not that an amazonian warrior who is thousands of years old should be expected to have an american accent, it’s just what I’m used to after watching JL cartoons my whole life. Still love her character though so i’ll get used to it, can’t wait…
also *inserts gif of Felicity getting BRUTALLY murdered by literally anyone*
to try and appease the pissed off laurel fans I’m sure, but i think all they did was make it worse..
I love that we killed Laurel to make the cast smaller, yet it seems like it’s doubled since Arrows S4 finale (cuz lets be honest everyone that walked out- including lance- will be back within 2 episodes of next season).
i’m hyped that they got evangeline lilly for the role too. I've loved her since her Lost days
Holy shit. i would 100% be down for a CW Batgirl show, never even thought about that (i realize that you were probably making this comment as a bash against the current batgirl comics & the CW but i think it would actually be pretty good).
i would love that with everything thats in me. If Sansa really has learned how to play the game so well, they’re doing an excellent job of hiding it unless your just an eagle eyed viewer (which i am not). I never caught that she might be behind Lyanna Mormont’s speech but that makes total sense. not to mention i hate…
Everybody kept saying last week was the perfect GoT episode, but for me it was this week. Arya killing Walder Frey?? Total badass moment, and her smile while doing it was almost as good as Sansa’s smile last week after watching Ramsey get eaten.
it felt way too out of place to me, didn’t enjoy it for this show at all. and then it lasted 20+ minutes on top of that. loved the rest of the episode though, just not the piano/cello score (which i usually love)
Between her and Arya i was just fist pumping non-stop for the last 30 minutes.
thats no different from any other season lol. hopefully his motivation comes from the bad guy shoving felicity in a fridge and then throwing that fridge off a bridge
yeah I’ve always loved her character for some strange reason, even back in S1/2 when she was hated. I do love the GA/BC dynamic in the Rebirth Green Arrow comics, but unfortunately we’ll never get that on Arrow with these writers
you. you get all the upvotes.
violent is fine, it just needs some levity to balance it out. even some dry batman-style humor would be welcomed, or hell letting a character smile every now and then. the show could actually use a little more violence, seems like most people actually miss the semi-crazy oliver from S1-S2 that wasn’t afraid to kill.