Jon B

agreed that the stunts & camera work could be better, but its DEFINITELY not what’s dragging this show down. It’s good enough most episodes (and excellent in some cases like the Brotherhood episode this season).

we saw him in S3. he parted on bad terms after how they treated his character in that episode, not to mention with the Suicide Squad coming up I’m betting he’s off limits

we saw Roy this season, so that’s not who they’re talking about. he has been confirmed to be returning for a multi-episode arc this season though.

probably gonna be Huntress. lot of people have wanted her to return, and it’s probably Guggenheim’s second favorite character to Felicity from how he talks about her.

HAHA so true. Laurel was my favorite character, but even this statue just seems like another slap in the face. It’s them trying to honor a character that they never even cared about just to please Laurel fans. But guess what- that ship sailed when you killed laurel and used her dying words to prop up Olicity.

because that show was bad about doing the same thing. how many times can grown ass adult characters do something to screw up the timeline before they stop trying to change things? when it’s like episode 10 and they’re still doing what they want and causing problems because they haven’t learned not to mess with the

oh i have as well as plenty of others from what i see. hope the S5 premiere viewings drop to shit and they realize how stupid they actually are

no argument there. they did kinda screw laurels character over from episode 1 when they had Oliver cheat on her with Sara. what’s cool about sara’s character is she has a past that no one knows about, which allows the writers to give her random abilities when the plot calls for it (like the episode where she noticed

Barry saving his mom is the poster child for CW characters making dumb decisions for no other reason than to advance the plot. Flash writers said “we wanna do Flashpoint so we gotta save his mom” only one or two episodes after barry finally being at peace about it. on top of two years of him learning that doing this

meanwhile arrow continues to kill off its comic characters and is embarrassed to even be a comic book tv show.

i LOVE Sara (she’s the main reason i watch LOT), but my inner comic book nerd refuses to let anyone but Dinah Laurel Lance play black canary. so unless they retcon sara’s character and tell us her first (or middle) name was Dinah all along, then no. keep her as white canary.

YES i’ve thought almost the same thing... Give us E2 Laurel with a tragic story of how she lost her family and went full bad guy and needs redemption which is why she joins team arrow.

people who love the show will strop reading when they realize GA/BC is actually going to be a thing, and not olicity

I was kinda glad to see Lexa go. While she was an awesome character, she made the show too...comfortable. Any time Clarke and her people had a problem she could just run to Lexa and she’d do whatever Clarke wanted her to because “love”.

Has anyone else been super under-impressed with Jon Snows storyline this season since they revived him? Every other plot line this year has advanced so quickly but he still hasn’t even left Castle Black yet. They need to rush his storyline WAY up

“and then the white walkers said ‘Martha?’ and the war was over”

i don’t understand everyones fascination with her. she’s literally the most boring, one dimensional character ever. granted they’ve never given her a lot of screen time, but what did she do in her little bit of screen time that made people love her so much???

agreed! This is my favorite season by far. So much happening so quickly. That’s always been one of my bigger complaints about GoT is that the timing can be glacially slow, but this season hasn’t been and I’m loving it.

lol @ game of thrones hilariously vague episode descriptions

i got the opposite impression, like guggenheims quote was his way of saying “look i know we fucked up the bad guy for S1 but trust me we will improve and do better in S2". but knowing guggenheim it’ll be just as bad.