
I know this will land like a lead balloon, but under the circumstances (and especially based on the depth and sincerity of her apology), can’t we just chalk this up to someone being kind of flustered and excited and saying something she normally wouldn’t have in just about any other situation? People sometimes use the

Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted. 

While it doesn’t mention Chappelle, I’m not seeing anything less than credulity in the article.

Who said I was expecting the call? You made that part up with your assumption to push your half assed point. Get with the program, pal!

Almost everybody disagrees with you. Your takes are dumb. Just stop already.

Or, shit, you just want to pause the game. Who gives a shit if it’s a “legitimate” reason to pause, y’know?

Luke only showed up briefly at the end of Season 2 of The Mandalorian, which is not much different from Leia showing up briefly at the end of Rogue One. Meaning like Rogue One, it was mostly not a Skywalker story at all. And of course The Mandalorian was already a hit long before anyone knew Luke would show up.

That’s my thing. Billy West and Katey Sagal aren’t exactly these newbies who’ll take whatever offer comes their way. Billy West voices like forty percent of the characters and Katey Sagal is Katey Sagal. They aren’t lowballing her. So I just wonder how much they’re offering and how much he wants.

I think the rest of the cast will probably keep their opinions to themselves. DiMaggio doesn’t have a right to speak for them by saying he thinks the whole cast is underpaid. That’s insulting. If the rest of the cast felt that way, they wouldn’t have agreed to come back. It’s bad form to be throwing them under the bus

After that, Death On The Nile simply takes its sweet time getting to the crime, with scenes of Gadot cosplaying as Cleopatra (her dry run to the future role she’s controversially nabbed) and intersecting romantic subplots for the sleuth and his young, excitable pal.

Find me 1 example of someone being banned for saying the vaccine isn’t 100% effective, at any point in time.

No, that’s bullshit. The man is very wrong here. Nobody ever said that getting vaccinated was 100% protection against COVID and the initial studies did not show that, they showed that it reduced the risk of getting hospitalized or dying. The initial analysis only looked at infections in a cursory way anyway.

In other words: we’ve already decided on the narrative (Justin Timberlake bad, Janet Jackson good), and we’re not deviating from it now.

Alright, now I’m pissed. I was not expecting to have to sympathize with fucking Justin Timberlake of all people today. But that passage there—

Look, I was a Bernie Sanders person. So I am not even going to read this comment because you people exhaust me.

No, it’s an accusation of unethical behavior.  If that’s what you consider a “joke,” then you’re an asshole.  

Seeing the squid monster in the Watchmen series, and The Suicide Squad trailer will remind of the infinite truth of Snyder:
He will never figure that shit out, so he just shows his egotism through his characters, and Superheroes are meant to rise above such selfish qualities.

Dumb take. For multiple reasons, many of them already expressed here (e.g. there is no shortage of non-grimdark, massively successful comic book movies, including dozens of MCU ones, and a handful of DC ones as well).

The Dark Knight is no more responsible for crap like the Snyderverse (come at me) than Star Wars is for the glut of tiresome imitator space movies from the 1980s, or Nirvana is for the entirety of late 90s rock. Innovators are not responsible for imitators.

The MCU has delivered literally dozens of non-“grimdark” superhero movies.  If that’s what you like you are well served and D.C. has also made several lighthearted superhero movies like Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Green Lantern. Neither The Dark Knight nor any of the other darker superhero movies are taking anything