
This is based on how Ford felt during Return of the Jedi, almost 40 years ago, when he wanted out of the franchise. There is no indication he still felt that way today, and considering he accepted to come back for both Episode 7 & 9, and that Luke suffered the same fate even though there’s no indication Hamill wanted

The fact that the episode are so short doesn’t help either because most of them are retelling the story of a 2-hour movie, but compressed. The sad endings feels like darkness for the sake of being dark because the writers don’t have the time and the space to fully explore a concept. Why is Doctor Strange willing to

She doesn’t say anything that a bunch of people have already said before. George allegedly did not like the films either, Hamill criticized them a lot (presumably before someone taught him the basics of “selling a movie”) and Boyega was also disappointed. Even a lot of people who professed to like the sequels have

The answer cannot be anybody but George Lucas but it’s important not to forget that one of the things he did was to reunite such a talented team. The movies don’t work without Marcia, they certainly don’t work without John Williams’ ridiculously amazing score, and then there’s Ralph McQuarrie’s designs to consider. He

It’s a fiction in a historical context. While it is understood that the events depicted in the show didn’t happen, the line is said in a context where the claim could be perceived as factual.

I don’t know if it will help her case or not but a difference between her and other examples mentioned, a difference that IMO makes Netflix leave the “taking artistic liberties” column and have them settle firmly into the “being incredibly shitty” one, is how completely gratuitous the line is. Bruce Lee has a role in O

I don’t disagree with that but I will note that relatively few actors, even Emmy winners, have a huge career after a long successful show, and Buffy was underrated and did not have that many viewers to begin with. There was never that much chance for anyone in the cast to “break out” and become a big movie star.

This season wasn’t always great but I’m grateful for that episode. Every character had a clear arc to close, and the episode felt like a proper conclusion to a story. It’s a little unfair that one of the best sitcoms of the last decade would end in a context where they almost had to justify the existence of cop TV show

I love the MCU - I’ve seen every film in theater except a couple - but there is a price to pay for wanting every film to feel connected. Marvel is the only studio that would call a movie The Legend of the Ten Rings, then end that movie with a post-credit scene that says, “we don’t know what those ten rings are, nor

It’s hard to understand Netflix’ point of view here. The evidence is clear cut and going to court to deny it is just a waste of money. The only theory I have is that they might plead that it’s not defamation. “Defamation” is more than just saying an incorrect fact, you need to actually slander or libel someone.

In the end, this is not a very good show. The plot always move too quickly to really make good character explorations, and everything holds with paper-thin logic. Here, Killmonger’s plan would have been stopped if Tony had told anybody else about his deception. Instead, he chose to try to murder him, which was very

In that case, though, it looks like we’re getting the worst of both worlds: a laudatory biography made by a fangirl that pisses off its subject.

You’re right but it’s more about how much effort the audience needs to do in terms of suspension of disbelief.

Also, Parker graduates about halfway through the film, so Maguire doesn’t play a teenager for very long.

Unless the cost for multiplatform is near flat and really just a click of a port button, then when it comes to the bottom line there is a difference.

It’s obvious that Insomniac is doing way better than Square Enix but I don’t think it has anything to do with them being exclusively on one console. I’m a QA and the resources required to work on both console as opposed to just one aren’t that much, especially for a AAA project. Usually, there’s a lot of discrepancies

If I were a rockstar in my 70s’, and that I had accomplished all that I ever wanted with my career, earning loads of money and a place in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, I don’t think I would wanna tour with Buckingham either.

If it’s a PS5 exclusive - and it very much looks like it is - it’s a crappy move from Disney. I understand that Spider-man is owned by Sony, so an exclusive for that character is understandable, but Wolverine isn’t. There’s no reason to go to the console-exclusive route for any other character.

No offense to the cast of Knives Out 2 but this cast is way more impressive.

I hope he’s doing well but in an ideal world, a relapse, a divorce and expecting a baby for the first time, aren’t events that should happen this close to each other. It probably looks worse because we all learned almost everything at once instead of how it was unfolding but still... I’m worried for all parties