
... maybe to observe what NOT to do. Felicity is a joke. Karen is a badass without throwing the first punch.

The Arrowverse writers need to take a long hard look at Karen Page to learn how to write a female character. Especially for someone that has no superpowers, no crime fighting skills, and no computer hacking genius. Just a badass reporter/detective or whatever you want to call her.

i for one actually liked the trailer. this coming from a guy who has hated the power rangers show, every piece of news we’ve seen about the movie, and really want to hate the movie itself.

ohhh ok i thought you were talking about the other guy in your original picture. cool i’ve heard news of the vigilante coming didn’t realize he was similar to Punisher though.. this should be interesting

after watching this episode, i would have been very hopeful about the coming season except for one thing- THEY KILLED THE DAMN BLACK CANARY. i don’t care how good your fight scenes get or interesting the story is, it’s so fucked up that she’s no longer there. and it doesn’t help that they keep rubbing it in our faces

do we know who the guy in the goggles is supposed to be?

THANK YOU... i am definitely tired of this struggle like most are, but thea certainly shouldn’t be saying anything. she comes off just as judgmental as ollie was last season when he was telling her not to kill.

i disagree, think it was it was a mix of both. the action was definitely more brutal than usual, but you’re right you could DEFINITELY tell they were never even punching each other, but some of this was perspective. like the scene where oliver was kidnapped sitting in his chair, the camera shot of him getting punched

agreed. having seen the first episode now, i think the action is somewhere between the quality of S1 and S3. It’s definitely more brutal than the last couple of years, but it also seems just as choreographed as usual. In s1 it felt like real fighting, S5 still feels fake (probably cuz there were MANY punches you could

my guess is we’re still in some version of Flashpoint and it’s not completely over. Flash writers are known for taking comics stories and turning them on their head (like they did with RF from season 1).

From what i’ve seen of S5, Oliver is becoming much more badass and less immature and felicity is moving on/getting another man. While season 5 may be looking up, i’m still extremely disappointed over the whole dead black canary thing. if it wasn’t for that i’d actually be excited for S5.

this is true. i just think its hard to show off any acting abilities when they write your character the same way over and over. S4 was better because we finally got a non-angry/bitter/resentful laurel.

Laurel was always a writers problem, not an actress problem. Especially going into S3 where she’d become BC, Katie Cassidy gave it 110%. I’ve watched interviews where she said she’d do hours worth of workouts and extracurricular fight training (outside of what Arrow already provided) at 4am every morning before going

TONS of backlash. Guggenheim has admitted as such and even had to get off twitter for a while. kind of deserved it in my opinion since he was stupid enough to kill of such an important character.

people rag on Laurel’s character, but her episode on the first season of flash is proof that she can do the character justice when the writers give her good material. I even thought S1 Laurel that called Ollie on his BS and did what it took to get the job done was well written.

i thought the same thing, but Mericle’s makes it seem like they are bringing old laurel back. I’m guessing E2 Black Siren will be utilized in the 4 part crossover that Katie Cassidy will be back for though, especially since they’re going to earth 2.

while i do think having an evil laurel would be interesting, i’m afraid it would be too meta for most people to get past. “we got evil laurel because these writers decided killing good laurel was a bad idea and this was the only solution”. not to mention, thats just kind of a fucked up thing to put your characters

my opinion: Kreisberg or Geoff Johns- or somebody with decent respect to comic book characters- stepped in and made him. pretty much everyone on earth can universally and unanimously agree that killing off the Black Canary on a Green Arrow tv show is not a godawful idea. yet Guggenheim’s dumb ass decided to do it

exactly! this this this.. killing off laurel wasn’t like killing off any normal character. they killed off a character that they mistreated for four years and were just starting to get right, that has decades of comics material to grasp from, that a GREEN ARROW show can’t work without, all to satisfy a dumb plot that

Korra was very hit and miss. The season where she faced the group of killers that each had different abilities was probably my favorite. hated the season finale and following season though where she pretty much lost all her bad-ass-ness because she got beaten