
While it's true that any amount of ionizing radiation (not to be confused with non-ionizing sources such as radio-waves, visibile light waves or cell phone transmissions) can increase the possibility of developing an illness like cancer, I don't think that this invariably makes it unsafe.

@captainlogic001: Or all the Math and Engineering students that need to take down notes of formulas after formulas and sketch out diagrams... Try to do that with an iPad keyboard.

Gizmodo, I love your Giz Explains articles. Perhaps it's time to get an expert to talk about radiation, what it means, what radiation we're exposed to daily and how certain types can be harmful to human cells.

@Cribbage Left: A radio antenna does not CREATE radio waves, it receives them. You're bombarded by those waves regardless.

This should be a positive message to anyone: that almost every single part of a cow, down to manure, is used and not wasted.

@Ron-Mexic0: Thanks, very insightful comment!

I think you've missed the point. This isn't about using a phone less, but about making it faster to get at what you want.

@djlaser: Which is the same as saying "Hey, look, I've got an"

@Worf: However, if you're FAXING it over afterwards, you might as well just paste a scanned signature into the document and email it back. On their end, there is no difference.

What is the difference from an open standard like DLNA, apart from this one being proprietary?

Microsoft is reportedly spending an estimated 400 millions, compared to the Droid's estimated 100 million marketing effort. The way it's written is rather misleading.

Good article! However, one wrong point about depth perception by the wiimote. Using the sensor bar, a standard wiimote CAN accurately sense depth.

@iheartpie: Windows 7 was made from the start to natively support touch based interfaces. So your point is both ignorant and invalid, because in this case, the OS WAS designed to be used in this way.

A lot of misinformed comments here. Rather than address each one, I suggest you grab the Beta (currently available with a free Gamespot account) and give it a try. As confusing as it is at first due to all the changes in gameplay, the multiplayer is surprisingly addictive. And I had really low expectations for the