Is one of those two titles Wonderful 101? Because if it isn't it should be.
Is one of those two titles Wonderful 101? Because if it isn't it should be.
Never break; always drift.
Nintendo now has two must play titles for every self respecting gamer out there on the Wii U. People, go buy a Wii U, now!
I'm sure they were going for historically accurate with the Damocles inclusion and the whole multiple gods playing with fates...
Rage quit and kick everyone out of the house when you get hit by a Blue Shell. Works every time.
Despite what the Loud minority on the internet say, Ryse is actually a really great game. It has things wrong with it... But then again no game is perfect
Same here in Ireland, but with more sheep and cows probably.
Anyone else have a moment existential crisis when you realized you've had your "new" 3DS for 3 years and that time is marching ever forward to your inevitable death at a pace that is continuously accelerating to a point that makes time and even reality seem utterly arbitrary? No?
I must be in the minority who loved this game.
Starfox Command is the reason they stopped making Starfox games.
I grew up on FFVI and played every numbered, non-MMO title after it, but I didn't hate XIII like most people either. That said, I did take some expectations into it that were rather dashed, which made the games slightly disappointing. My problem was the incredible feeling of isolation in XIII in particular (less so in…
you shouldn't talk out of your ass so much. this post stinks like shit.
This is why Tomb Raider is my GOTY. I've played some great games this year but none has been so satisfying, rewarding and simply joyous as Tomb Raider. On paper it's formulaic, like lots of these candidates, but the fact that if feels so fresh and flawless in execution is truly a remarkable achievement.
You have my axe!
Uncharted 2 may be my favorite game of this entire generation. It took Tomb Raider, perfected it, and made it SO MUCH FUN to play.
Oh my God that glossy orange one.... Jesus, holy mother of Christ that thing is beautiful. Brb, begging for early Christmas gift from any and all friends.
Bravely Default looks like the best Final Fantasy game since Lost Odyssey. Can't wait.