Game: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Game: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Game: Bastion
Game Name: Mass Effect
Because they are sexy, dirty, little codes, who are just asking for it.
I liked red steel as well.
Who gives a crap about metacritic? Just look at the recent DOTA 2 debacle. Too many gamers today have their head stuck so far up the butt of either AAA titles or established franchises to have fun with anything else. Just because a game isn't a blockbuster title doesn't mean it's not fun. I thought Red Steel was a ton…
Am I like the only one who thinks that Ryse looks cool? I mean yeah, it's not going to be some knockout title, but it looks fun and pretty at least.
This is hands-down one of my favorite games of the current console generation.
AC4 is 1080p on both next gen consoles and 720p on current gen
Depends on the size of the monitor. And above 1080p (hell, even at 1080p) if the monitor isn't huge you can crank down AA since the abundance of pixels make interpolation mostly pointless.
REmake is the best survival horror game ever made.
This made me smile like a big ol' kid! I was raised on Resident Evil 1 and 2. I mean I enjoyed 3 and was floored by 4, but 1 and 2 were foundational to my development as a gamer. I bought the Unbrella Archives when it came out and even read the novel series by S.D. Perry, which is not to be overlooked by fans of the…
Heh, now you know what it's like for me pulling all this stuff together. The government needs to create an Office of Officially Official Video Game Release Dates. It'd make my job much easier.
I preordered at Gamestop myself. Mainly because this is my first launch console and I feel like going all out for it. Took the 15th off of work already. Going to go up there the night of the 14th for the midnight launch.
So a game about racial segregation. Real subtle Jonathan.
Pokemon X.
I think the real 5 star crime here is the portrait mode...
Hang in there. When I go through rough patches, I always remind myself of a moving quote I read years ago: "Time really does heal all wounds, but time takes time". Being honest, things are going to suck for awhile. Eventually they won't suck so much. I hope that's comforting - it's always been a small comfort for me.