

So cool.

Dear Nintendo,

I don't understand why this wasn't release globally at the same time. Games like this need a big push of marketing all at once to get people excited for it. When you stagger releases like they have, excitement dies down in the regions that haven't received it yet.

I'm pretty sure that change is because you can do local 4-player co-op and it saves on screen-space.

I highly recommend Castlevania: Harmony of Despair to anyone interested. If you have some buddies to play online co-op with, it is a blast. I played 140 hours of that game, most of them online. I haven't played it in a long time, but man that has to be the most value I've ever received from a $15 game purchase.

I don't know how many I would call "good", but at only 6 seconds and finger flick away, you're never far from something entertaining.

Best advice I've heard all damn day.

The difference between murder/vehicular death victims and rape victims is that rape victims are frequently shamed, blamed, and threatened simply for being a victim. Take, for instance, the Steubenville High School rape case - the victim received death threats for reporting the crime. This does not happen to people

I have put my S.O. and I on a Vine time limit. We get 30 minutes a day to enjoy Vine. Otherwise, we'd scroll for hours.

That was a direct response to another commenter who took issue with my stance on rape jokes in general by saying I had drawn an arbitrary line on what entertainment should be. His comment was on my general stance about how rape jokes shouldn't blame the victim, and so was my response to him. None of those my response

Which is why I said this in my original post:

Which is why I said this in my original post:

Which is why I said this in my original post:

Rape culture negatively affects everyone, men and women. I never said or implied any different.

Based on what I have read on the subject, prison rape (of men and women) is probably the most under-reported form of rape in the nation that occurs. This is obviously a huge problem.

The Tumblr you keep linking to is a blog dedicated to "de-bunking" misandry disguised as science/facts. Here is an excerpt from their about page: "We see misandry and sexism against men everywhere on Tumblr, and too few people fighting against what are very real disadvantages facing men and boys in the world today.

You link to one person's interpretation of ONE question from that study. Here's a comment from that link you posted that adequately states a logical response to your assertion:

To be criticized is one of the hardest things to do gracefully. I struggle with it myself.

Both tumblr posts you linked me to are interesting, but contain the same questionable elements of the original study. This blogger has analyzed the questionnaire in the study and disregarded the results because of issues with specific questions. This hits upon a murky grey-area of whether or not unwanted sexual