
I buy a mix for mixed reasons. All digital on Vita (I went crazy and bought the 32gb card). Mostly digital on 3DS, except rare or limited games (like most Atlus published titles) that I get physically. On WiiU I want to go all digital but Pikmin 3 is bothering me because I have Pikmin 1 and 2 on my shelf so I kind of

Played 30 minutes of Disgaea 3 on Vita. Was so confusing. Never went back to it.

No one who doesn't play Mario games will ever be happy with a new Mario game. Nintendo releases ONE 2D Mario per console, yet people freak out about them. Nintendo announces 3D World and people complain it isn't a Galaxy game. What do you want? A new game or an old one? The fact is that Mario has the biggest legacy in

I LOVE The Last Story. One of my favorites. Fantastic battle system that seems simple at first, but is so deep and rewarding without being overly complicated or menu based.

Nintendo is killing me this second half of the year. Pikmin 3 and this game within 7 days of each other, then a great Wii U title each month until the end of the year. And a new Zelda 3DS game in November. And I have Xbox One and PS4 preordered. :(

I'm not sure how these screenshots were obtained but they look much MUCH worse than any footage I have seen of the game. Check Nintendo's YouTube channel. The game is gorgeous.

I am not into this at all. It is pretty, but the gameplay looks a bit boring and honestly janky.

This game looks so interesting. I'm going to buy it when I'm not swamped with other titles.

This hit me in the feels, and I have almost no Pokémon experience/nostalgia/whatever.

Why isn't this chart put into context? Ubisoft has released ZERO Wii U games in 2013 (in North America at least, according to my research). In fact, Ubisoft's Wii U games were 5-7 months old during this chart's period of time. So we are to be shocked that no-longer new titles are not super-selling on an

Probably my most anticipated game of the year.

All of my Nintendo items are stored in a fridge. Once my house is completely upgraded, I might have the basement be a gaming room with a few select items. My house is otherwise, decorated as well as it can be with the items I've encountered so far (read as: My house is ugly right now while I focus on building shit in

3 hours in a loving it. Unfortunately, I was not able to finish Soul Hackers before this came out. On the upside though, I used the $30 eShop credit to buy Project X Zone. A great day to own a 3DS.

I was playing this the other day and cracking up. Fun little physics experiment.

I played WOW for a time, Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, Rift, dabbled in Planetside 2, and I feel like there are a few more I can't think of right now.

I have hated this guy since I saw his Lana Del Rey video. Awful arguments.

Damn I forget how great of a cover that is.

Try Defiance people, it is fun.

I have quite a lot of fun playing Defiance. I have pumped many hours into it. So just wanted to say that I enjoy my time with it and plan to keep playing it. And I'm even playing the inferior 360 version.

My cat played Uke before it was cool.